Sir Gerald Portal, at Uganda, appears to have decided that
neither Catholics nor Protestants were to blame in the recent contest, and hoe divided powers and provinces between them. The Catholics receive back all their territories ; and by an agreement, dated April 7th, 1893, Catholics and Protestants each appoint a Minister of Justice, a Commander of the troops, and an Admiral, or, as he is modestly called, a Com- mander of canoes. The text of this agreement has been sent home to England by the correspondent of the Berlin Tagsblatt, and is obviously authentic ; but its meaning is far from clear. We can understand the division of terri- tory which, though a little odd from a spiritual point of view, doubtless suits both parties, and corresponds to the limitations of their influence ; but the division of powers is incomprehensible. If the two Lords-Justices, two Generals, and two Admirals, are always to agree, what is the use of two P and if they are to differ, what becomes of the safety of the State ? It is just possible that one will live in Catholic Uganda and one in Protestant ; but then that is almost a partition !