8 JULY 1972, Page 30


The indications are that the impetuous Mr Christopher Chataway, Minister for Industrial Development, is throwing good money after bad in giving ICL a further £14.2 million as a contribution towards research and development costs. What ICL has not lacked over the years is money, but what it has missed has been the single-minded attention of a genius like IBM's Thomas Watson Snr. If ICL had been given the government nod years ago that there was to be covert protection and government orders and if at the same time someone — Sir Jules Thorn possibly — had been on hand, Chataway would not have to be pouring away money the way he is.

It is time a strong body of anti-trust law was produced. This would deal with the approaches of Burroughs Corporation, Univac or further penetration by IBM, far better than the nods and the becks and the bribes of the Minister.