8 JUNE 1872, Page 2

The Liberals have lost Oldham after a very severe struggle,

in. which Mr. Lyulph Stanley polled 6,981 votes. His opponent,. however, Mr. Cobbett, son of the editor of the Political Register,. has always been popular in the borough, more especially with the workmen, in whose special demands, such as the Nine-Hours' Bill, he has always warmly sympathised, and he had 7,278 votes. He also accepts the Ballot in principle, though he is opposed to the- present Bill, as containing too many penal clauses, and desires such a relaxation of the Poor Law as should enable the guardians to. maintain old couples together and at home. Altogether, Mr. Cobbett seems to have been elected rather as the Poor-Man's candidate than as a Tory. We are bound to add that he has maintained these principles consistently through life.