The new exhibition, by the painters of the Panorama of the Nile, pre- sents us with views of the path of the Israelites across the Wilderness ; Petra, Jerusalem, and the Mediterranean coast ; and the chief associated points of sacred and historic interest This quality could not but be found attaching in an eminent degree to the Diorama of the Holy Land ; and the views are attractive also for their pictorial properties. But the presentation of the subject demanded something more than a facile that- trill-do kind of style. 'fhe diorama may be not less good than most of its rivals ; but there is something jarring in its not being better-more earnest and studied : nor is the spectator's sense of inappropriateness lessened by the matter or manner of the spoken description. We recog- nize that the treatment is respectable enough, but cannot feel it as respectful to the deeper feelings which the spectator brings with him. The interior views of Jerusalem are, as a series, much the most satisfactory.