8 MAY 1830, Page 4

ported into the republic, and permitting the bondholders to appoint

a re- ceiver. By the contemplated admission of cotton goods, it is supposed the duties will be swelled to eight millions of dollars. These facts have been published by the Mexican Minister at our Court.

SOUTHWARK BRIDGE COMPANY.—The annual meeting of this company was held on Wednesday. The receipts of the last year's tolls was 6859/. 17s. 8c1. • the dividends now amount to 3i per cent. A motion was made to lower the tolls to a halfpenny for each passenger, but it was lost on a division, by a small majority.

VAUXHALL BRIDGE Coma:ay.—The Proprietors held their annual meeting on Thursday. There has been a falling-off in the receipts of last year, of 372/. 15s. 11d., which is attributed to the badness of the weather. The dividend was postponed.

Si'. BRIDE'S Cauncit.—The Fleet Street entrance to this magnificent church cost the late Mr. Blades 7000/. it is now intended to improve the entrance by a handsome gate. The parishioners have voted 350/. for that purpose.

A meeting of the inhabitant householders of the parish of St. Clement Danes was held yesterday. Among other matters, the annual allowance of 50/. for wands and ribands for the charity children, for nosegays, refresh. meats, and a dinner to the vestrymen, came under_discussion ; and the 50/. allowance was ordered to be reduced to 30/.

ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY.—The ballot for the officers and for the council took place on Thursday, at the rooms of the Horticultural Society, in Regent Street. The Marquis of Lansdown was elected President, Mr. James Mor- rison Treasurer, and Mr. N. A. Vigors, the Secretary ; Mr. Joshua Brookes, Mr. G. B. Greenough, Sir Robert Heron, Mr. James Morrison, and the Earl of Winchilsea, were elected into the Council, in the room of the Earl of Egremont, Sir Everard Home, Mr. R. C. Jenkinson, the Marquis of Lothian, and the Earl of Mountcharles. A feeble opposition to the above was at- tempted by Mr. Haviland Burke, who most industriously distributed his list, elegantly printed on pink paper.

ROYAL MATERNITY Socrm.—This Society held their anniversary meeting on Monday, in the Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street. The Hon. Henley Eden was in the chair.

ALDERSGATE STREET MEDICAL Sciroor..—On Tuesday evening, the Anatomical prize given by Mr. Tyrrell was awarded, after a public exa- mination, to Mr. T. W. Smith, of Launceston, Cornwall. Mr. R. King- don was second best.

ASYLUM FOR DESERTED ORPHAN Ginr.s.—The annual dinner of this long-established and useful charity took place on Wednesday at the London Tavern, Mr. Charles Barclay in the chair. Since its institution this cha- rity has afforded relief to above 2000 orphans, and at present there are 120 on its list, 19 of whom were admitted at last election.

RELIGIOUS TRACT s—The Society for Distributing Religious Tracts held their annual meeting on Thursday, in Willis's Rooms ; the Marquis of Cholmondeley in the chair. It was numerously attended.

PRAYER-BOOK AND HOMILY SocrErr.—The annual general meeting was held in the Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, on Thursday. Lord Bexley was in the chair. The meeting Was addressed by the Bishop of Winchester, Mr. Wilberforce, the Reverend Itoreland Hill, and a number of others.

A new Police Office, instead of that at Bow Street, is about to be erected on the vacant ground in Chandos Street.