The English Funds opened dull on Monday, at a decline upon Friday's quotations of f per cent—Consols 97f 97} for both Money and the Account. Since when an extensive business has been done, and prices have advanced 1 to 1 per cent during the entire week. Yesterday was the last day in the May Account, and although transactions were principally in connexion with the settlement, a large amount of business was negoeiated for June ; considerable purchases continue to be made for the rise, and altogether the tendency is decidedly towards higher prices. Advices from Australia an- nouncing further remittances of gold contributed to the prevailing firmness. Applications at the Bank have been more numerous, but not sufficient to influence quotations. Large purchases have been made in anticipation of the effect likely to be produced by the paying off the 2,000,0901. Exche- quer Bonds tomorrow' Consols for the Account will be shortly quoted ex dividend again' and it is a very general opinion that notwithstanding the late advance, higher values may yet be looked for ; the Government Broker has likewise assisted in keeping the market firm by daily purchases of 10,000/. Consols on account of the Savings-Banks. The rate for carrying over from account to account was only 2 per cent. Today Consols for June were first quoted 97k 98; afterwards advanced to 98f buyers; and subsequently receded to the opening price, at which figures they close. Reduced, 961 961; Exchequer Bills, 36 40; Bank Stock, 220 223.
All descriptions of Foreign Stocks have experienced a considerable rise ; Peruvian especially, upon the announcement that an increase of 1 per cent in the sinking-fund was to take place ; the Four-and-a-half per Cent Bonds have been done at 88, and the Three per Cents at 62. The advance in Venezuela has been occasioned by the impression gaining ground that this long outstanding foreign debt will at last be settled in a manner satisfac- tory to the English creditors. All other stocks have ruled firm, and have improved f to lf per cent, and from certain significant signs there is no doubt the attention of the public will be drawh. to South American Securi- ties for some time to come. The Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan has risen 11- to lf per cent, the closing price being / 1} prem. The following are the last rates : Venezuela Active, 371 381; Ditto Deferred, 14f 15; Mexican, 201 21; Grenada Active, 21 22; Grenada Deferred, 6} ; Peruvian Four- and-a-half per Cents, 861 87k; Ditto Three per Cents, 61 62; Turkish Six per Cents, 981 98k; Ditto Four per Cents, 1041 1041. There has been a large fluctuation throughout the week in Railway Shares, and prices have rarely been influenced by the state of the English Security Market. At the beginning of the week quotations were con- siderably higher, but a continuance of bad traffic-returns in some of the principal lines in a great measure checked the existing buoyancy. The following final quotations will, however, show an improvement upon last week in most things. Midland closes 1} per cent higher, 941 94k; and Great Western and London and Brighton, 1 per cent ; in other things the advance is from 5s. to 158. per share ; London and North-Western leave off 941 941; London and South-Western, 48 48k; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 92 92k; Caledonian, 421 43; Great Northern, 251 26; South-Eastern, 20f 21; Bnghton, 106f 107f. The markets are somewhat firmer this afternoon at the close.
The Indian Market is steady, but without change in prices. East In- dian, 110 111k; Great Indian Peninsula, 21f 22; Madras 20/. shares, 20i 21. Political uneasiness having somewhat abated, French Shares are much firmer. Paris and Lyons, 31 31f ex div.; Paris and Strasbourg, 261 261 ex div.; Northern of France, 38 38f.
An Account, pursuant to
the 7th and 8 5 Victoria, cap. 32, for the week Wednesday the 5th day of May 1858. ending
I StiVE 11.7•9.7MENT.
Notes Issued
131,988,125 Government Debt /11,015,104
Other Securities 3,459,900
Gold Coin and Bullion 17,513,125
Silver Bullion
Proprietors' Capital 114,553,000 Government Securities (inclu- Rest. 3,195,874 ding Dead Weight Annuity) 110,260,481 Public
4,eis,ea7 Other Securities 15,288,092 Other Deposits 14,525,795 Notes 11,416,460
Days and other Bills .. . 843,646 Gold and Silver Coin 765,349 137,730,352 137,730,352
• Including Exchequer,Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.