8 MAY 1886, Page 1


MAY 3rd passed in Athens without any explosion. M. Delyannis absolutely refused to accept the ultimatum of the Powers, and disarm without conditions, and the Powers did not, on consultation, withdraw their Ministers or declare a blockade. The reasons for their hesitation are still not apparent, but the most probable are that France and Russia, who have throughout encouraged Greece, are not prepared to coerce her, and that England, Germany, and Austria rather dread a popular movement which might end in the expulsion of the dynasty. They wish the King to remain, and the King, aware of this, and utterly careless whether he goes or stays, uses his free position to bid them defiance. The Greek Premier does not declare war on Turkey, and perhaps does not wish to do so, but there can be no question that as yet the honours of the situation remain with him. He has given Europe, with all its pieces on the board, stalemate. On the face of things, we should say Lord Rosebery and Prince 33ismarck had made a serious mistake, and had destroyed much of the prestige of Europe when acting as a tribunal ; but they may know facts, and may hereafter explain facts, invisible as yet to the wondering public. That they do not intend their delay to last long is evident from Mr. Gladstone's answer to questions on Thursday night. He promised action, though be did not define its course.