Sir: The best writers about St Paul have ' often
been those who were not professional theologians. I look forward to seeing Michael Grant's new book, and Len Abse must have aroused the interest of many to whom the most human of saints and alsn the greatest master of Greek since the time of Demosthenes (as I continue to think 01. him) is little more than a synonym for dullness and narrowmindedness. After Mr Abse's vivid but hostile picture those bY two other laymen should in fairness be c00" sidered: G. Wilson Knight's in The Christ: ian Renaissance and Sir W. M. RarnsaY 5 The Charm of Paul (in his Pontine and other Studies)—to mention only one of RamsaY.s contributions to an understanding of this multifarious man.
G. M. Lee
113 Ford End Road, Bedford