Q. My husband has developed an appalling new habit in
which he bares his teeth. It started as a joke — we all screamed because he looked so hideous; now it has almost turned into an involuntary facial tic. When other people are present, for example at dinner parties, how can I remind him that he is pulling this awful face without turning myself into a bit of a shrew?
M.W., Wiltshire A. Take a close-up of your husband's face while he is baring his teeth, then nip along to Boots with it. They do a fine line in printing photographs on to plates, mugs and placemats at budget-friendly prices. You could have a set of placetnats of your husband's grimace knocked up at almost no cost, but since these would then be covered with plates of food when you were at table it would probably be better to have a plate made, which could be wall-mounted near the table and within your husband's field of vision. This would obviate the need for him to pull the face himself and you should soon see an end to the nuisance,