8 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 13


[To TIE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTAT011.".1 SIR,—In common with many other readers, I have for some time noticed with grave concern your tendency to belittle the status of the London County Council. Is it in pursuance of this policy that you omitted the name of the London County Council in your issue of November 1st from the list of public bodies that presented addresses to the King in his ride through [Our correspondent is entirely in error. We by no means belittle the work of the London County Council. Though we do not always approve of their objects and methods, we believe that its members are remarkable for their hard work in the public interest, and for their conscientious devotion to what they believe to be their duty. We know of no place where better unpaid public work is to be found than in the London County Council. The omission complained of was purely accidental.—En. Spectator.]