There have been two by-elections during the week,—in Cleveland and
in the East Toxteth division of Liverpool. Pot Cleveland a Liberal, Mr. Herbert Samuel, was returned by a majority of 2,036. In 1897, when the last election took place, the Liberal majority was only 1,428, but then the total poll was considerably less. But though the election merely sub- stitutes one Liberal for another, we must, of course, admit that the result is, as far as it goes, favourable to the Opposition. In the East Tosteth division of Liverpool, where in 1895—the last contest—the Unionist candidate was elected by a majority of 1,922, the figures of Thursday's polling gave a majority of 377 to Mr. Austin Taylor over Mr. H. R. Rathbone, the very strong Liberal candidate. Here, again, a considerable Liberal gain is to be noted, in spite of the fact that there is no change from the party point of view in the represen- tation.