STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EWENING.-The fluctuations during the week have not been so marked as was expected. Consols closed on Saturday at Si to 61k; they close to-night at 808. It was anticipated that the issue of the struggle in the Lords, which most people have made up their minds must be an unsuccessful one, would lead to a much greater reduction ; but the confidence of the public is maintained by the consideration that the Reform Bill will be delayed only, not defeated. Exchequer Bills remain without alteration from 8s. to 9s. premium.
Bank Stock 1963 Buenos Ayres... Spanish .. 133 3 per Cent. Red. Chilian . 15 16 Ditto, New 111 123 3 per Cent. Cons. 80a 1 Oa Colombian. 11 12
Consols for Acct. 8113 I 08 Danish... 618 3 SHARES.
33 per Cent. New 883Greek.... ... 20 2 Bolanos ... • . 110 120 Long Annuities Mexican ....... 36 353 Brazilian . 46 47 Ex. Bills, 1000/.9 810 8 9 Peruvian 10 11. Columbian ... • 6 7 India Bonds par. Is. dig. Portuguese.... • a03 513 Anglo Mexican 17 19 Brazilian......, 443 33 4 Russian........ 913 92 United Mexican. 43
CATURDAY, TWE LYE O'CLOCK.-Consols were done at 808 this morning, but now they are at BOrl, with a very heavy Market and great dismay upon the Exchange.