8 OCTOBER 1836, Page 18

Dr. LANTCARPENTER'S Dissertations, published, or as we suspect republished from

an American edition, by LONGNIAN, are occupied with four subjects. (1.) An exam ination[of the evidence touching the Bipaschal, Tripaschal, and Quadripaschal systems,—or, in other words, whether the Saviour's ministry included two, three, or four Passovers; Dr. CARPENTER deciding in favour of the Bipaschal view. (2.) A consideration of the structure of the first three Gospels in relation to the succession of events in our Lord's ministry. (3.) A carrying out of the second dissertation, with the object of giving in chronological succession an outline view of Christ's ministerial career. (4.) A political and geographical description of Palestine in the Gospel age ; the former very brief, the latter compiled from the accounts of modern travellers, who are for the most part allowed to tell their own tale in their own words.

The information of Dr. LANT is extensive, his method good, his style clear ; but his learning, like that of many modern divines, is, we suspect, second-hand. The section descriptive of Palestine is the one possessing most general interest : the rest have a religious, not a literary attraction.