be Jitetropoift. The Lord Mayor gave a grand entertainment on
Easter Monday tell.° his Majesty's Ministers and a large party, at the Mansionhouse. The muster of ladies and gentlemen amounted to about 370: among them were the Marquis of Landowne, Mr. Spring Rice, Lord Langdale, Sir John Campbell and Lady Stratheden, Lord Dalmeny, and the Bishops of London and Gloucester. The Lord Mayor gave the health of the Ministers in very complimentary terms. Lord Lansdowne replied with becoming modesty; and after the routine of toasts usual on such occasions had been gone through, the company separated.
At a meeting of the proprietors of Bank Stock, on Tuesday, Mr. Pattison, M. P., was reelected Governor, and Mr. Timothy Abraham Curtis Deputy-Governor of the Bank for the ensuing year.
A meeting of the Marylebone Radical Association was held on Monday, on Primrose Hill, to petition for the total repeal of the Newspaper Stamp-duty. Only about 200 persons attended ; who were addressed by Dr. Wade and Mr. Savage; and having adopted the petition presented to them, were soon dispersed.
Good Friday was observed throughout the Metropolis with due respect and devotion. The churches were numerously attended ; and there were not those scenes of inebriety, nor those pastimes near town, that were so common in former years. —Standard. As it rained a perfect torrent the whole day, we fear that the suspension of the usual out-door pastimes may be ascribed rather to the weather than to any feeling of devotion.— Times.