The French Ministry has been plunged in unexpected embarrassment, by
the indiscretion and ignorance of Count D'ArtGour, the Minister of Finance. Impelled by the representations of the Colonial sugar-planters, and alarmed at the decrease of the revenue on imported sugars, THIERS and his colleagues proposed to the Chamber of Deputies to lay a duty of 15 francs on every 100 kilogrammes of sugar made from beet-root. There was enough in the tax itself to excite the anger of many landowning members of the Chamber ; but D'ARGOUT almost created a riot by the vexatious, arbitrary, and inquisitorial plan which he developed for levying the duty and preventing fraud. The Chamber rose in an uproar ; and, with the exception of the Moniteur, every journal in Paris denounces the project of the Minister as perfectly intolerable.
The trial of BOIREAU and his accomplices in the Neuilly plot is going on in the Paris Court of Assizes; but excites little interest. The Parisians are said to be quite sick of state trials. The Quotidienne has been tried and acquitted on some charge preferred by the Government. The speech of BERRYER for the defendant is described as being full of brilliant eloquence.