At the Norwich and Yarmouth Assizes, the men accused of
bribery at the last elections have been tried and acquitted; in consequence of the indifferent character of the witnesses for the prosecution.
At the Liverpool Assizes, on Wednesday, Mr. Mottram, a woolstapler at Bradford, obtained a verdict with 150/. damages against the proprietors of the Duke of Leeds coach, which runs from Manchester to Leeds. It appeared from the evidence, that the wheel of the coach came off when going down a bill near Rochdale; that the coach, being overloaded, was upset ; and that the plaintiff was jammed between the curb-stone of the footpath and the coach, and severely injured. His left leg was broken, and he lay in bed for six weeks in great distress.
Since the new Poor-law has been in operation in Wilts, a pauper applied to the relieving officer at Heytesbury for relief; and on being refused, his reply was, "that it was a damned hard case to be so refused after receiving rdief during the last thirty-five years."— Wilts Herald.