The supporters of Mr. O'Connell in Dublin have subscribed upwards of 2000/. towards the expenses of a petition against the present petitioners against him, in the event of the Committee unseating Mr. O'Connell.
If the statements in the following letter published in the Dublin Evening Post may be relied on, the Beresfords are acting in Carlow in true Beresford style. The writer is a Mr. Phelan, who pledges himself to prove the truth of what he asserts.
" About three o'clock on yesterday (the 30th of March), John Agar, with a labouring man heavily loaded with locks and keys, attended by the Sheriff and forty of the Constabulary, with two Chief Constables, reached the devoted village. The approach of this formidable force filled the miserable families about to be ejected with the utmost consternation. The day was particularly cold, and severe showers of hail and snow succeeded each other at short intervats; but the moment had arrived when the poor families were to be driven from the spot where they were born and reared ; they were all, with thoir little furniture, in a sho'rt time put out upon the high-road. You could scarcely represent to your mind a more distressing scene. They were actually shivering with the cold ; they were half naked ; almost all the women and children were bathed in tears ; some of the married women had infants at their breasts not more than a few months old, others appeared on the eve of being confiued ; there were seven widows, all, but one, over sixty years of age—some beyond seventy,. One of the Bailiffs, who was at the time drunk, while dragging out of the -house a member of David Hacket's family, trampled upon a youug child : the father of the child knocked him down at the moment ; and the Sheriff', to do him .justice, turned the Bailiff away. When they came to dispossess a man named Edward Hickey, who had his child confined to bed by the measles, he entreated them to allow him to stop in his house for a few days until his children would get better: but no indulgence would be granted ; the afflicted parents were obliged to carry the children in their arms, and keep them on the road-side exposed to the piercing cold wind that blew like a hurricane at the
moment." • The number ejected amounted to ninety. six men, women, and children.
Some months ago, Lord Lorton purchased the town of Ballinamuck and the adjacent lands in the county of Longford, from which he dismissed the native inhabitants, in order to plant a Protestant colony in their place. The fruit of this proceeding may be easily anticipated. The new settlers have been attacked in many instances, and the whole neighbourhood is in a state of alarm and disquietude.—Morning Chronicle.