Lord Palmerston was to visit his constituents at Tiverton on
Tuesday. Great preparations had been made for his reception, but no account of the proceedings has yet found its way into the newspapers. It seems that the Tories have been electioneering for a Mr. Dickenson, and have employed the former agent of Mr. Kennedy for their candidate. Dickenson is said to be a tool of Lord Rolle.
Messrs. Thornely and Villiers dined with a party of their constituents, at Sedgley, on Tuesday. Both gentlemen addressed the company in speeches which were received with great applause.
We are glad to find that the Reformers of South Lancashire are on the alert. It is determined, we understand, that Mr. Grenfell, the brother. in-law of Lord Molyneux, shall be put in nomination at the next election, whenever it may be. It is supposed that, provided only one candidate is started on the Liberal interest, the Tories will gladly compromise, and Mr. Bootle Wilbraham retire into private life ; otherwise, the Reformers will bring out a second candidate, and contest the other seat with Lord Francis Egerton, and with every prospect of success. We need not add, that Lord Sandon is certain to be ejected from Liverpool by Mr. Brancker. Mr. Fenton is again to be started for Rochdale, from which Mr. Entwisle is sure to be expelled. At Warrington, Glass-trade Blackburne will be defeated ; but who the opposing candidate is to be is not yet fixed. We believe we may further say, that both from Oldham and Wigan the present Tory Members will be driven. And should Mr. Townley be induced to come forward, the same fate awaits Mr. Wilson Patten in the Northern division of the county.—Liverpool Chronicle.
An address is now in course of signature amongst the freeholders in the neighbourhood of Brampton, calling upon Sir James Graham to resign his seat for East Cumberland; his conduct in Parliament, since the last election " having been most unsatisfactory "—" in direct opposition to their views," and inconsistent with his previous acts and profession." It is already numerously signed ; and similar addresses are expected to be got up in each of the other polling districts.— Carlisle Journal.