A letter in the Courrier Francais of Sunday, dated from
St. Petersburg, mentions that " a return of the pensions and gratifications which the Emperor Nicholas has granted to various individuals in Europe during the year 1835 has been stolen out of his cabinet. It was hoped at first that this document bad been lost or thrown among other papers ; but the most niinute search was made for it to no effect, and it is now feared that it has been sent to England." The writer says that we may expect to see this document in the Portfolio. We shall be glad to see the curiosity : we wager more than one English Tory will be found imbedded in it.
In France, as in England, the moment a slave sets his foot on the soil he becomes a freeman; but hitherto, when any of these slaves have returned to the French colonies, they have been considered as again falling back into a state of slavery. On Friday, however, an ordinance was signed by the King, declaring that all slaves coming into France with the consent of their masters, obtain their full freedoms from that time.— Galignani's Messenger.