We are sorry to announce, on the authority of a
letter received by us friend of ours from Lord Brougham on Monday last, that the accounts given in many papers of his Lordship's convalescence, and of his being on his way to London, are incorrect. His Lordship, when he wrote, was rather worse than he had been during the preceding week, and feared that he would not be able to leave Brougham Hall in less than six weeks from the date of his letter.âLiverpool Mercury.
The fashionable talkers of St. James's Street arc much occupied in applauding the determination adopted by the Honourable Mr.
who has at length considered it necessary to separate from his admired literary wife. Report says that it was OH Thursday night last, on the lady's return ironic at her usual late boor, that his resolution was imparted, and on the following day she left his roof. The four children will, of course, remain under the guardianship of the Honourable Mr.
The parties have been married nearly ten years.âMorning
Lord and Lady Seymour and the Honourable Mrs. Norton are no-w on a visit to their relations, Ale. and Mrs. Brinsley Sheridan, at Frampton House, near DorchestenâDorset Chronicle.
Much surprise has been caused by the report of the will of a Baronet recently deceased, a partner in a well-known house. It is said that to his son he has bequeathed 360,000/., while to his accomplished and handsome daughters the sum amounts to but 2,000/. each.âMorning Herald.
The Prince de Capua (brother of the King of Naples) and Miss Penelope Smyth, have arrived in London, and are expected to remain during is portion of the fashionable season. The Prince is a friend of the Marquis of Hertford; who, with his suite, will arrive shortly at Holderness House, in Park Lane, from Italy.âaronide.