The Auatrian Ministry haaresigned. The nen-German members of the lleichsrath
seceded, alleging that their constituents demanded more ,power for the local Diets, 'which the Ministry refused to grant. The Ministers thereupon advised resistance, and a disso- lution of the seceding Diets ; but the Kaiser preferred conciliation, and the Ministry resigned. A new one is in process-of formation ; but the Germans in the Reichsrath have passed a resolution affirm- ing that concession has gone far enough, and that they will oppose any experiments of an unconstitutional character. Clearly, the Emperor will either have to rule without his Parliatuent, or to let the Germans rule, or to divide his non-Hungarian subjects into States on the American plan, with a Senate, but no Congress, and himself perpetual President. The situation looks dangerous, but Austria is like a cup in a picture, always falling, but never any lower.