The news from Bootan (7th ult.) is not pleasant. It
seems that the treaty of peace since announced was expected, but that it was also expected to be meaningless. It was only to be signed by the Rajah and his council, the Toungso Penlow, the official who rules Eastern Bootan, having announced that he would not obey it. Two columns therefore will enter his territory, and the result of the negotiations will be a war with a noble who can sign no binding engagement, and peace with the Government to which that noble is directly responsible. We shall have to enter the jungle instead of taking the capital, and be precluded from seizing the only indemnity within reach, the tribute Her Majesty is to pay for the Dooars. It is hardly conceivable that the Viceroy can have managed matters so badly as these accounts would seem to imply, but this is the Indian account. ,