Q. In February my Russian girlfriend's tourist visa will expire,
forcing her to return to Moscow after a three-month visit to Germany. Ordinarily, a further three months should elapse before the German authorities in Moscow issue her a second tourist visa. However, my girlfriend plans to avoid this delay by asking her uncle, a Paris resident, to facilitate a visa application to the French authorities in Moscow. After arriving in Paris, my girlfriend could travel to Germany unhindered, under the Schengen agreement. My nerves are shattered; I need at least a month's break before another visit. How can I scupper her plans?
D.F., Frankfurt. Germany A. Announce that, since there is a chance that you will be able to take a holiday in Moscow in March, she should hold off from approaching her uncle until such time as your own position becomes clearer. Be vague about the details saying, 'I don't want to talk about it too much, in case it doesn't come off.' In this way you can keep her at bay indefinitely, or at least until such time as her absence has made your heart grow fonder, whereupon you can resurnmon her.