gilt court.
Tux Queen, Prince Albert, and the Royal Household, attended divine service on Sunday in the private chapel in the Castleasis :usual since their return to Windsor. The weather on Sunday end Monday pre- vented her Majesty from going out. Prince Albert had sonic shooting on Monday, in the vicinity of Virginia Water ; and on Tuesday he "resumed the exercise of skating," which he continued each subse- quent day. The Queen accompanied his Royal Highness, and "parti- cipated in the amusement on the ice, his Royal Highness driving her on a sledge." Lord John Russell arrived at the Castle on Monday, and -remained till Thursday, -when he returned to London. Lord Mel- bourne's name does not appear among those of the visiters at Windsor Castle this week.
The anniversary of her Majesty's marriage is, we understand, se- lected as the day for christening the Princess Royal. The cere- mony is to be performed at Buckingham Palace. It is understood that whatever can impart effect to the interesting scene will be combined for the purpose, and that the assemblage of royal and illustrious personages -who will be present on the occasion will be considerable.—Globe.
Queen Adelaide still remains at Sudbury, and is in the enjoyment of • 'excellent health.
The Duke of Cambridge left London on Monday, on a visit to the Make of Rutland at Belvoir Castle.
A rumour having appeared in a morning paper, that the decease of the Princess Augusta had " a very distressing effect" on the Dutchess of Gloucester, and that her state of health "excites very painful soli- citude," a correspondent of the Post gives the following qualified con- tradiction— " Her Royal Highness's affectionate attachment to her family made her deeply feel the loss of the Princess Augusta, following so soon on the death of the Landgravine of Hesse Homburg, another beloved sister, (on the 10th of January last,) and the only remaining one of her six sisters, the Princess Sophia, being under the affliction of total blindness. But we are happy to be able to state, that in point of health her Royal Highness has-been remarkably well for Borne months ; though always under the vigilant and friendly attend- ance of Sir H. Raiford, to prevent a recurrence of complaints which affected her last year, of a dropsical tendency. Her Royal Highness is just now suf- fering from the cold which is so prevalent in all ranks.'