The news from India reaches to the 1st December ; on which day the Cleopatra steamer left Bombay.
In Afghanistan, Dost Mahomed has been completely defeated, and has surrendered himself to Sir William M`Naghten, the British Envoy at the court of Schah Soojah. The battle took place on the 2d No-. vember ; but the letters giving accounts of the action miscarried. All that is known is, that the battle was attended with severe losses among• the British officers engaged. Captain Conolly, Dr. Lord, Lieutenant: Broadfoot, and Lieutenant Crispin, are reported as killed; Captain Fraser and Captain Ponsonby were wounded ; seven others are also stated to have fallen. The Second Cavalry suffered severely. Lieutenant Noffin is said to be the only one of those engaged in that regiment who escaped. It is alleged that tne men did not support the gallant example of their officers. Two days after the action, Dost Mahomed, accom- panied by one follower, threw himself on Sir William M'Naghten's protection. Sir William returned his sword, and made him put it on-. again.
The accounts from Scinde, contained in the Bombay letters, state that there has been more fighting in that quarter. " Misseer, the young Khan of Beloochistan, with 5,000 men, attacked, plundered, and burned Dadur, in sight of an intrenehed camp of 400 British Sepoys, who dared not hazard themselves out of their fortified position. After sacking that intrenched camp, which was a mile from the town, the advance of se force under Major Boscawen of her Majesty's Fortieth Regiment caused the enemy to retreat. In the pursuit, the body of Lieutenant Loveday, the late Political Agent, with the head almost severed from the trunk, was found chained to a kujawah (a sort of camel-chair.) His servant was weeping over him : he was quite warm, and the poor fellow said.: his master had just been killed by a Sower on the alarm of the approach of the Fortieth. General Nott, at the head of a corps of the Bengal army,. entered Khelat on the 4th, but he found it undefended and empty."
In Lahore, Maharajah Curruck Sing, the son and successor to the far- famed Runjeet, died on the 5th, it is said of the effects of poison and bad treatment One of his wives and some female attendants were burnt. with his body. His son and heir, Nou-Nehal Singh, a violent opponent: of the British, on returning from the funeral met with an accident : the: great beam of one of the gates fell on the elephant on which he was riding, killed one of his friends, and so severely injured the young King that he lived but a few hours. Shere Singh, an illegitimate son of Runjeet, has been raised to the throne. One of Nou-Nehal's wives claims it for a child, of which she states herself to be pregnant three months.