A Cabinet Council is summoned to meet on the 16th
instant ; and On the same day Lord Melbourne gives a dinner to the Cabinet Ministers.
The Queen Dowager has given 2,000/., the Bishop of London 1,00W., the Christian Knowledge Society 10,000L, the Propagation of the Gospel Society 5,0001., and the Colonial Church Society. 400/., towards. establishing and endowing a Bishopric in the colony of New Zealand.
The Earl of Fingall has quite recovered from his accident on the Eastern Counties 11..ilroad, and is now enabled to resume his duties as Lord in Waiting on the Queen.
Lord Morpeth, accompanied by his sister, Lady Dover; sailed ow Tuesday from Dublin, for Liverpool, en route to the residence of the' Earl of Carlisle, in Yorkshire.
On Saturday, Captain Grey, Governor of South Australia, took his departure from London, on his way to the colony. The South Austra- lian Society have presented him with a valedictory address.
We observe that the Dean of Durham has resigned his large living in Yorkshire, which was tenable with his Deanery ; and we trust such an example of disinterestedness, in so a high a quarter, will not be lost on the Church.—Jferning Chronicle.
The subscription for erecting a public monument to the memory of -the late Lord Holland, is, we are happy to say, proceeding with con- siderable spirit; and will enable the Committee to raise a memorial to the excellent nobleman whose valuable character and services it is designed to record, in some degree worthy of its subject.—Globe. A report prevails in military circles, that Lord Hill is about to retire from the Horse Guards, and that the post of Commander-in-Chief will be put in commission. We have not been able to obtain information by which to justify our confirming or contradicting the rumour. Re- cent circumstances, which have become matters of public notoriety, and for which Lord Hill has been severely censured, have been mentioned as grounds of the report.—Globe.
The Standard of Tuesday announced in a very prominent manner, and under the title of "Rewards of High Treason by Lord Melbourne's Cabinet," that John Frost had been pardoned, and appointed to a re- spectable clerkship in the Commissariat Department at Port Arthur, Van Diemen's Land ; and that there was something better in reserve for him. To this the Globe of Wednesday gives "the most absolute and comprehensive contradiction "; and adds- " Every petition for a pardon to Frost and his associates, or for any mitiga- tion in the treatment shown to ordinary convicts in the colony, has been re- jected. They were sent to their destination with the ordinary directions ; and if Frost, or any of his associates, are employed in any department of the Go- vernment works, it is as convects, under the severely stringent discipline to which convicts are invariably subjected, and from which nothing in their case justified a departure."
The tables of the revenue-account were published on Wednesday. The net total of the year's receipt is 44,746,4001.; showing a decrease on the year ending 5th January 1841, compared with the previous year, of 254,0091.; and a decrease on the quarter, compared with the corre- sponding quarter of the previous year, of 80,602/. In the Customs there is a decrease of 85,873/. on the year, and of 398,399/. on the quarter. The high prices of tea, sugar, and coffee, have no doubt con- tributed to this result. In the Excise there is an increase on the year of 622,310/., and on the quarter of 589,095/. The Stamps exhibit an increase of 161,441/. on the year, and of 9,585/. on the quarter. The Taxes show an increase of 234,650/. on the year, and of 202,072/. on the quarter. There is a decrease in the Post-office to the amount of 1,078,000/. on the year, and of 253,0001. on the quarter. We have received a copy of the Fifth Report of the Inspectors of Prisons, which is on the point of publication. It is gratifying to per- ceive that considerable progress has been made with the model-prison on the Separate system, now in the course of erection in Copenhagen Fields. The first stone of this building was laid by the Marquis of /formanby in April last, and the experiment is one which will form an important event in his Lordship's administration. It is lamentable, however, to observe how much remains to be done towards the amend- ment of the Metropolitan Gaols, more especially those of Newgate, -Giltspur Street, and the Borough Compter.—Ilforning Chronicle, Jan. 8. In comparing the list of the ships in commission at the present period with the list of those in active service last January, we find the strength -of the Navy at sea is increased by three three-deckers, two eighty-fours, three fifties, five sloops of war, and seven first-class steamers, forming an addition to our defence of 794 guns and 6,300 men ; the whole of which are in addition to any estimate proposed to Parliament, and is an expense which the pressure of the times has compelled the Government to incur, and under a full reliance on the emergency of the case justify- mg them in asking for the necessary supplies. The number of seamen, marines, and boys now in employ, exceeds 43,000.—Hampshire Tele- graph.
Mrs. Norton, in another newspaper-letter on family grievances, says— "'For upwards of three years I have received, at frequent intervals, anony- mous letters ; some evidently proceeding from vulgar and illiterate persons, but many more—to the eternal disgrace of those who penned them—from persons whose superior and educated style stamped their attacks with a double base- ness; and in one particular and persevering instance, from a person whose fa- nnhar acquaintance with foreign languages, and introduction of perverted quo- tations, proved him no ordinary scholar. From this species of vexation no one can defend me; nor from the various discomforts I detailed to the Magistrates; the tampering with my servants ; watching my house ; endeavouring to en:rap sue by feigned letters on business ; sending persons to my residence to make inquiries calculated to destroy the respect of those around me; and keeping up, as it were, a perpetual round of wearying insults and evidences of enmity.
"Had it been possible that any private friend could shield me from all this, I never should have been driven to make a public appeal for protection. It was because neither my brother nor any other relative had power to check the efforts made against me, that, after three years' endurance, I determined on that most painful step—I left a sick bed to give evidence in a Police-court."
The subject which has occupied the chief attention of the French payers during the last few days, has been the addresses presented to the King on New Year's Day, by the Chamber of Peers, the Chamber of Deputies, the Corps Diplomatique, and the chief public bodies of the country. The only thing remarkable in the addresses of the Diplomatic body and the Chambers is, that they were eminently pacific : that of the Chamber of Deputies couched its pacific sentiments in obscure but mot unintelligible language.
For the first time since 1830, the Archbishop of Paris, accompanied by his clergy, waited on the King to congratulate him on the occasion -of the New Year. Some difficulties had arisen respecting the order 'which the clergy should occupy among the great bodies of the state which the King was to receive on that day. The Court, however, anxious to assign them the first rank, could not do so, for fear of ex- citing displeasure and incurring the censures of the press. The only laws which regulate the ceremonial of such reception were enacted under the Republic ; and they place the clergy last of all. This course was equally objectionable, and it was accordingly agreed that the Arch- inahop should be received at the Palace on the 31st of December. The Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on the proposed for- tifications of Paris met on Saturday ; and after a deliberation of four hours, resolved—first, that the enceinte continuee and the forts detaches should be simultaneously executed ; and secondly, that the whole of the works should be completed in the course of three years. The Com- mittee, moreover, fixed the sites of the exterior points to be fortified, and decided that detached forts should be constructed on the hei.hts of Romainville, at Noisy, and at Nogent ; which command all the road, by which an invading army advancing from the frontiers of the North and East could reach Paris.
These three resolutions were communicated in the evening to Mar- shal Soult ; who was to give farther explanations to the Committee on Monday. The Prefect of the Seine had been also summoned to attend the Committee on that day.
The Chamber of Peers voted on Tuesday the extraordinary credit of 700,000 francs, demanded by Ministers on behalf of the foreign refugees, by a majority of 102 against 3. In the course of the debate, M. Camille Perier moved that the French Government should officially apply to the Spanish Regency for an extension of the amnesty ; observing, that such a measure would be productive of a considerable saving for France. M. Guizot replied, that this application, made in that form, might wound the susceptibility of the Spanish Government, and defeat the object it had in view ; but he promised that the French Government should use its good offices with the Regency to bring about that desirable result. In the debate the preceding day on the same subject, M. Guizot said, in exposition of the views of the French Government in reference to the present state of Spain— It was not the intention of the French Government to interfere, directly or indirectly, in the affairs of Spain ; but it was not indifferent to the fate of Spain ; and whenever it had a Government based on national assent, France had recognized and supported it. As often as it was menaced by war, France had sustained it, sent a foreign legion to its assistance, made treaties, and acted, conformably to the wishes of Spain ; but there the interference of France ceased. It respected the liberty of the Queen's Government, and would not enter into a struggle of parties. If the Government of Queen Isabella was menaced in its existence, the French Government would not be found wanting in its old policy of support, but it would not meddle with the struggles of domestic parties in Spain. He regretted what had taken place in Spain, but no one had a right to suspect that the present Government of that country would separate from the cause of Queen Isabella. This was universally recog- nized. There was no civil war, and there was no pretext for suspending ami- cable relations. If the present Administration made real and sensible efforts to be a good Government, why should it not he supported ? The King's Mi- nisters would support a government its facto in that country, which laboured to guide Spain in regular and pacific ways. Yet he would not be responsible- for the present Ministry of Spain. lie had scruples and fears ; but this was not a time to develop them to the Chamber. It was urged that Spain was de.. livered over to the English. This was repeated months ago. But political in- fluences were not so perishable as to disappear under one or two Cabinets... These were but the inevitable agitations of all countries tormented by party. Don't let us bestow too much assistance on their vicissitudes. Some Spaniards hated the French, but French influence was not lost in Spain : the present Ministry might lean to English ideas, as the last did to French, but the geogra- phical position of France alone would enable her to recover her influence in. the Peninsula.
A letter from Toulon, published in the Commerce, states that although the corps of officers of the fleet were incomplete, leave of absence had nevertheless been given to a number of officers by the Minister of' Marine. The same journal repeats the report of the formation of a special corps for the steam navy, of which the officers would he takes from the royal navy, and placed under the command of a Rear- AdmiraL Prosecutions had been instituted against two journals of the Depart- ment of the North, the Echo of Lille and the Liberal of Douay.
In addition to his large fortune, Marshal Soult receives a salary of' 100,000 francs (4,0001.) as President of the Council ; 30,000 francs (1,200/.) as Marshal ; and 10,000 francs (400/.) as a grand dignitary, He has also made a demand for 40,000 francs for official entertainment expenses, &c.—Quotidienne.
Intelligence from Madrid, of the 28th December, represents the Re- gency as actively making preparations for war with Portugal. The General Direction of the Ordnance had issued orders for the imme- diate organization of several batteries of artillery, and troops were con- tinually marching towards the Portuguese frontier. The Regency, in the mean time, gave the Ambassadors of England and Portugal as- surances of its pacific intentions, and of its determination to settle the difference by means of diplomatic negotiations.
The Madrid Gazette contained an official return of the taxes levied during the month of November last, and which amounted in specie to 94,000,000 reals.
The convention lately signed for the definitive regulation of the fueros of Navarre had been accepted and ratified by the deputation of' that province.
Some disturbances had again occurred in Andalusia, and particularly at Cordova, Malaga, and Motril. The Political Chief of Granada had been obliged to march troops to this last-mentioned town, in which the rioters had attempted to intimidate the electors called upon to return a member of the provincial deputation.
An association of labourers had been formed in Barcelona, which already consisted of 18,000. The members of the section of \rich had resolved not to admit into it any individual who should continue to wear a coat, and had actually expelled and bastinadoed such of their colleagues as refused to comply with that regulation.
The Castellano publishes a letter from Corunna of the 19th, which states that early on that d.ty an English steamer (the Clyde) had entered the harbour on fire, and that the captain had refused all assistance. The Consul had, it was said, caused him to be arrested. The vessel was still burning in the evening.
Intelligence has been received from Alexandria to the 24th ultimo. Ibrahim Pasha was still with his army at Damascus, to which he had. returned in very ill-health, and beset by the mountaineers. Mehemet All had again written to Admiral Stopford on the 21st December, and proposed to send another message to expedite the return of Ibrahim and his army. Sir Charles Smith had arrived in the Hydra at Alexandria on the 17th; had an interview with the Pasha on the 19th; and placed the Hydra at his service to convey his despatch to Marmoriea, on the 22d December. Sir Charles left Alexandria in the Great Liverpool on the 24th.
Mehemet AU was still raising batteries and exercising his troops incessantly, and bad given notice to the National Guards of Alexan- dria that they were to consider themselves his regular soldiers. At the same time, he was making preparations for the better cultivation of his private estates, and had appointed his son, Said Bey, and his grand- son, Abbas Pasha, to be resident administrators in separate districts. The plague had appeared at Alexandria a month earlier than usual. Three deaths had been officially announced.
The Great Liverpool accomplished her trip from Falmouth to Alex- andria in fourteen days one hour from port to port : only twelve days and eleven hours were spent at sea. The Indian mails and eighteen passengers were landed at Suez on the 18th December, and escorted across the Desert by a guard of sixty horsemen furnished by the Pasha to preserve them from the attacks of the Bedouin Arabs ; who had lately become hostile and dangerous, seizing the Pasha's stores and attacking the pilgrims en route from Cairo to Mecca.
Serious sickness had prevailed at Acre. The storm that visited the coast of Syria with such violence on the 2d and 3d December had pro- duced an alarming scarcity at Beyrout and in the mountains; where the new Turkish Governor had recklessly stopped the supplies of grain arriving, and the mountaineers were again nearly driven into col- lision with the authorities by desperation.