The Staffordshire Examiner, writing of the Walsall election, under the
date of" Wednesday night," says- " Mr. Smith still proceeds with his canvass. He has already obtained a con- siderably larger number of positive pledges than Mr. Lyttelton had obtained when his canvass was concluded. Addresses from the Anti-Corn-law Associ- ations of Warrington, Nantwich, and Mitcham, addressed (as were the five mentioned yesterday) to William Dixon, Esq., President of the Walsall Anti- Corn-law Association, Chairman of Mr. Smith's Committee, and late Vice- Chairman of Mr. Lyttelton's Committee, were received this morning. " Thurscay Night.—A deputation of two members of the Council of the League arrived this day to assist their colleagues. Further addresses from Anti-Corn-law Associations have been received. The Tories are desperately annoyed and alarmed at the continued fire of Mr. Acland and the friends of Mr. Smith. These crowded meetings twice a day, constantly on the increase,. and the activity of the press in behalf of Mr. Smith, with the energetic addresses from distant boroughs, is exciting almost incredible enthusiasm on the one side and dismay on the other. Friday Afternoon.—Two other members of the Council of the League ar- rived to-day. Mr. Smith departed for Manchester by the afternoon train : he. has undertaken to return on Monday evening."
• From the Leeds Times we learn, that Mr. Roebuck, on Monday last, afforded an opportunity of diversifying the Christmas recreations of that- part of Yorkshire in a most rational mode. Incited by the Reform As- sociation, he delivered a lecture "on the Science of Government," at Messrs. Marshall's new mill at Holbeck—in an apartment which Mr. Hamer-Stansfeld, who opened the business of the evening with a speech from the cltair, described as "the largest room in the world." The night was inclement ; but the storminess of the weather did not prevent the assembling of six or seven hundred persons. Mr. Roebuck professed not to propound any very novel views : he. did what was of more use—accumulated a great number of data before his auditors, and showed the mode of applying them; and he especially addressed himself to exposing the futility and mischief of party-spirit and ill.will among political antagonists. The moral of his lecture was conveyed in one sentence, when he said—" The practical conclusion I should wish to inculcate is, the necessity of a good, kind feeling for one another ; and that you should not deem a man a knave or a fool because he is of a different opinion from yourselves." That wholesome lesson was delivered by the lecturer in a manner to insure its working in the
-minds of his hearers ; and the careful attention with which it was re- ceived, showed that its effect was already begun.
The approaching meeting of Reformers at Leeds excites much inte- rest in the North. The Leeds Times states, that" the demand for tick- ets has already been so great that the Committee have been under the necessity of limiting the issue of tickets to strangers, in order to accom- modate the members and immediate friends of the Association. De- putations of Reformers have promised to attend from almost all the towns in the neighbourhood ; and associations are now generally springing up to cooperate with the men of Leeds in their worthy efforts to achieve the great ends of good government."