Assassmerroa.—On Wednesday, a ruffian named Hall went to the Duke
of York public-house, in Grimsby, and having contrived to pick a quarrel with a man who lodged there, stabbed him to the heart, with a knife which he Lad sharpened for the purpose. The assassin has been committed to gaol.
TUE LAMBETH MURDER:A fellow named Jordan a himself up on Wediiesday as the murderer of Mrs. NVitynett. On being brought up on Thursday before the Magistrate, it turned out that he. was at the time of the murder in the workhouse, and that the whole affair was a hoax, with a view to excite compassion. He Was discharged. POISONING JultIES.—A long investigation has taken place this week respecting an attempt to poison, or to physic rather, with emetic tartar,
a Woolwich Inquest Jury, in December last. The case was noticed at the time. Two persons, named Campion, were charged on Thursday as concerned with it ; but the evidence—a servant who had been discharged for thieving—did not appear to be the best possible. The case is to be resumed next Friday.
SUPPOSED Foui. PLAY.—Three men belonging to the Betsy fishingboat were lost on the 25th of March under very suspicious circumstances.
They had gone in the small boat, while off Dimcburch,*to clear their trawl, leaving a young lad named Moore on board ; and they never returned. One of the bodies was afterwards found on the coast, with the head much wounded. The Betsy, after being robbed of the trawl by one party of French sailors, was carried by another into Boulogne, where, after being detained a fortnight, it and the lad were sent home by the British Consul.
Dismay:TING POISON.—A correspondent complains, that the Commissioners of the Camden Town roads are at their dirty work again. They
are again watering the roads with the abominable filth drawn from the common sewer. 'rhe public health requires that this practice should be stopped.—Times. [Of all the plans which ignorance or wickedness could adopt for the production of pestilence, this is the most effectual.] In isuMURDER.--A dreadful murder was committed a few days since in the vicinity of Roxborough, county Galway. The eyes of the unfortuuate victim were taken out. lie was suspected to be an informer.
THE CLARE MU RDERS.—The remaining murderers of Mr. Blood, of the five policemen, of Sergeant Robinson, and the murderers of Mr. Synge's servant, are all known. Some of those wretches were sentenced to transportation, and sent off to the convict hulks at Cork, not many days since ; they are now ordered back for trial on the more serious charge.—Litnerick Chronicle.