'The following is a summary of all the threatened amendments in the Committee on the Reform Bill.
To have a Vote in Counties.
50/. tenants-at-will, who have been one year in possession—Mr. SIBTRORP. Da leaseholders on leases of five years—Mr. PORTMAN. Owners of freehold or copyhold or leasehold, in any town or borough, although the same shall confer an occupier's vote—Mr. H. Hu GffES. 50/. renters, although under no specific tenure—Marquis of CRANDOS.
To hare a Vote in Boroughs.
Non-resident freemen during life—Mr. TR EVOR . Owners of freeholds in boroughs 51. renters where there are not 300 voters within seven miles of the borough; only allt. renters where a borough consists of 30,000 or upwards—Colonel DAVIES. Omission of rack-rent paragraph. Clause 16; addition of Schedule 1) to Schedule ..C—Lord MILTON.