1i - hilly, July 8.
T. and It. OLD, Ratcliff Cross Dock, shipwrights—Nortrom and SKER RITT, NOttilL;liam, cabinet-makers—A NallioNe and HUDSON. Norwich, corn-merchants —It S. S. and .1. FIARF0IcO and Day Es, Bristol, tin-plate trade ; as for as regards S. RAI: FOR D—CLE MEND; and Coc.Lsan, Cheapside, music-sellers—Sucn and IIA a I, w IcE, dealers—LEnsAm and Co. Bartlett's Buildings, manufacturersPA1: v and JoNcs, Salford, Lancashire, linen-drapers—J. and J. Stet LEECH, Upper Thames Street, drysalters—H. and J. Bow EN and GODWIN, Leicester Street, Leicester Square, paper-stainers ; as far as regards H. BOWEN—W. and J. Mutsu EAVES, Frizinghall, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners—RICHARDSON and FORBES, Philput Lane, general agents—C. and C. TODD, Henry Street, Chelsea, masons— R. and L. RIGBY, Liverpool—Bi snot, and Le. E, Maidenhead, Berkshire, surgeons— B KLEE N and BANEs, Liverpool, saddlers—RoBERTSON and FOTHE act LL, Bristol, wholesale-ironmongers-5IATCII Err and Laws oN, Charlotte Street, Birmingham, iron-founders—D A W om and SMITH, Chiswell Street, veterinary-surgeons—BI C Eas and SHILLITO, Selby, Yorkshire, grocers—W. and W. Wtestms, West S midi Geld, horse-dealers—GELLER and FLETCHER, Liverpool, frui t-merchantsCt. Kee and Co. Manchester, timber-merchants ; as far as regards BETTY CLEGG —F.vANs and SHIPTON, Stourbridge, Worcestershire, surgems —BANS FORD and EDE ARDS, Bristol, hatters—WILLOWS and MATFIEW3IAN, Leeds, wine-merchants R. and C. S. Toss writ, Garlick Hill, City, wholesale-druggists—PEARCE and SLADE, Brick Hill Lane. Upper Thames Street—ARNoLD and Co. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, drapers—HARTLEY and Co. West Smithfield, druggists; so far as regards SAMUEL See:tour—Hoes and SEATON, Salford, Lancashire, engravers to calien-printers—SI1IPSON and Co. Manchester, merchants—J. and W. RIDLEY, Ipswich, Suffolk, spirit-merchants—ELTom and BOWLER, Sloane Street, Chelsea, dyers—Dee:9st):: and PRICE, Wilson Street, Finsbury, silk-manufacturersPILCH ER and COOPER, Dover, grocers—TowN and WALKER, Ulverston, Lanceshire, timber-merchants—GaovER and RoLLs, Keen's Row, Walworth, chemists s-PERRIN and RUDDIMAN, Threadneedle Street, stationers—HUTCHINSON and Co. Felling, Durham, manufacturers of Epsom Salts ; so far as regards RICHARD COAD—I3R000EN and GARLAND, Bridgewater Square, goldsmiths—BARliv and OLIPHANT, Edinburgh, merchants—KING and MARSTON, West Street, Gloucestershire, dealers in horses—RANCOCK and BADDELE V jun.Eastwood, Staffordshire, siLk-throwsters—Lv ON and EDIVARDS, Liverpool, timber-merchants.
ARm ITA GE, WILLIAM HENRY, Crutchedfriars, hop-merchant, July 7. Jonas, JAMES, Weli Street, Wellclose Square, engineer, July 7. STEVEN'S, JAMES, Bread Street, Cheapside, warehouseman, July 7.
WO OLLS EY, JOHN, and SECKER, Jonar, Great Yarmouth, wine-merchants, from
July 22 to August 1.
BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. aloNTEInt, ROBERT, Sloane Street, merchant. 'ILLIAMS, JOSEPH, Manchester, manufacturing.chemist.
ABLETT, JOSEPH', Hollen Street, Wardour Street, carpenter, to surrender July 15, 22, Aug. 19: solicitor, Mr. Williams, Alfred Place, Bedford Square. CoLE, VINEY, Bordeseley, Warwickshire, victualler, July 29,30, Aug. 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Tooke and Carr, Bedford Row ; and Mr. Capper, BirmiNgliam. COUCHMAN, WILLIAM, Bishopsgate Street Without, linendraper, July82, Aug. 2, 19: solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Newgate Street. CROWTHER, SA3I u E L, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner, July 26, 27, Aug. 19: Solicitors, Mr. Butterfield, Gray's Inn • and Mr. Lister, Cleckeatou, Leeds. EMERY, WILLIAM, Bristol, corn-factor, July 21, 22, Aug. 19: solicitors, Mr. White, Lincoln's Inn ; Messrs. Bevan and Brittan, Small Street ; and Messrs. Cary and Cross, Corn Street, Bristol. H s:ooe it, JOHN, Ben. and FRANKLIN, EDWARD, Westbury, Wiltshire, bankers, July 22, 23, Aug. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Nethersole and Barron, Essex Street, Strand; and Mr. Tilby, Devizes HUXTABLE, JAMES, Bristol, corn-factor, July 21, 22, Aug. 19: solicitors, Mr. 'White, Lincoln's Inn ; and Messrs. Bevan and Britten, Bristol. HYDE, JOSEPH CORNELIUS, Iverheath, Buckinghamshire, miller, July 15, 22, Aug.19: solicitor, Mr. Burn, Finch Lane. JENKS, JAMES, Bromyard, Herefordshire, tanner, July 13, 14, Aug. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Collins, Ledbury. S3IITH, WILLIA3I, Turnham Green, tailor, July 15, 22, Aug. 19: solicitor, Mr. Brooks, New Inn.
SPEDDING, DAVID, Carlisle, butcher, July 14, 15, Aug. 19: solicitors, Mr. Donald, Staple Inn ; and Mr. Hodgson, Carlisle. STATON, RICHARD, Carlton Street, Regent Street, tailor, July 15,22, Aug. 19: Solicitors, Messrs. Constable and Kirk, Symond's Inn.
Aug. 1, Barron, Preston, money-scrivener—Ang. 5, Barrett, Poultry, linendraperJuly 29, Bleaden,Lothbury, stationer—July 29,T. and C. Greasley, West Smithfield, clothiers—July 29, Mottram, St. John Street, West Smithfield, victualler—July 29, Watkins, Limehouse Hole, mast-maker—July 29, Cox Bath, silk-mercer—July 29, Robins, Ivy Lane, Nervgate Street, publisher—July 29, Lacy, Basinghall Street, Blackwellhall-factor—July 29, J. and J. Cockburn, Berwick-upon-Tweed, cornmerchants—July 29, Stewart, King Street, Cheapside, Scotch-factor—July 19, Potter, Maidstone, grocer—Aug. 4, Bretherton, Liverpool, coach-proprietor—Aug. 5, Turberville, Worcester, grocer—Aug. 5, Dean, Manchester, stationer—Aug. 3, A. and J. Watson, Blackburn, haberdashers—Aug. 4 Bragg, Aketon, Yorkshire, bleacher—July 19, Clayton, Mottram. Cheshire, Innkeeper—July 19, Hunt, New IBMS, Derbyshire, cotton-spinner—Aug. 2. Murrell, Evesham, Worcestershire, grocer—July 29, Wood, Basford, Nottinghamshire, tallow-chandler—Aug. 3, Higgs, Exeter, woollen-draper—July 19, Oldham, Stockport, Cheshire, innkeeper.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 29.
Alltight, Strand, cheesemonger —Alleock, Redditeh, Worcestershire, needle-maRufacturer —I. and W. Jackson, Strand, stationers—Alulliner, Northampton, Coach-maker—S. and B. Willoughby, Birmingham, brass-ring-manufacturersBarfett, Northampton, cOrn-factor—Desormeaux Cole's Terrace, White Conduit Fields, cherniet—filacintyre, Sun Court, Comilla, merchant—Hopkins, St. John's f$eret-Reara, brush-maker.