The following articles have been submitted by the Five Powers
to the Belgian Congress, as the bases on which a definitive treaty may be founded.
"Art. 1. The limits of Holland shall comprehend all the territories, fortresses, towns, and places which belonged to the former Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands in the year 1790.
"2. Belgium shall be formed of all the other territories which received the denomination of the kingdom of the Netherlands in the treaties of 1815.
"3. The Five Powers will employ their good offices that the duchy of Luxemburg may remain in statu quo during the course of the separate
negotiations which the Sovereign of Belgium will open with the King of the Netherlands and with the German Confederation respecting the grand duchy ; which negotiation is distinct from the question of the boundaries between Holland and Belgium.
" It is understood that the fortress of Luxemburg shall preserve a free communication with Germany.
'" 4. It is found that the Republic of the United Provinces of the .Netherlands did not exclusively exercise the sovereignty of Maestricht in 1790: the two parties shall consider of means of snaking an amicable arrangement on this subject.
" 5. As it would result from the bases laid down in Articles 1 and 2, that Holland and Belgium Should possess districts surrounded by the re spective territories of each other, such exchanges as may be thought useful to both parties shall be amicably made between Holland and Belgium. " 6. The reciprocal evacuation of the territories, towns, and fortresses, shall take place independently of the arrangements relative to the exchanges.
"7. It is understood that the regulations of Articles 108 and 117, in-elusive, of the general Act of the Congress of Vienna, relatiVe to the free navigation of the navigable rivers, shall be applied to those rivers which pass through the territories of Holland and Belgium. ' 8. Dutch and Belgian Commissioners shall meet at Maestricht as soon as possible, for the demarcation of the territories.-They shall also discuss the exchanges to be made according to Article 5. "9 and 10. Belgium shall be a neutral state, but without giving up the right of defending itself against every aggression. " 11. The port of Antwerp shall continue to be solely a commercial port, according to Article 15th of the Treaty of Paris of 30th May 1814. 12. The division of the debt shall be made in such a manner that the whole of the debts before the union shall fall upon the country by which they were contracted; and those contracted since the union shall be divided in just proportion. " 13. Commissioners shall be immediately appointed to settle this matter ; so that Belgium may provisionally furnish its portion of the interest of the debt.
" 14. The prisoners of war on both sides shall be set at liberty fifteen days after the adoption of these articles. .
r` 15. The sequestration of private property in the two countries shall be immediately removed.
" 16. No inhabitant of the territories, towns, and fortresses, reciprocally evacuated, shall be molested for his past.political conduct. ". 17. The Five Powers reserve to themselves the right of giving their• good offices, when they shall be required by the parties interested. " 18. The articles reciprocally adopted shall be converted into a definitive treaty."
These articles, and the letter of Prince LEOPOLD, have been long and keenly discussed in Congress, but hitherto without any decided issue. The Belgian Ministry seem well inclined towards the Prince and the propositions of the Allies ; and the majority of the Congress evidently lean the smile way. The spectators in the galleries of the Chamber of the Deputies, on the other hand, boisterously applaud the oratory of the Opposition. Whether these people are to be taken as specimens of the national feeling., or of the feeling of the mob of Brussels, is disputed: we believe they more represent the latter than the former, and th: 1.the great mass of the people, as well as their representatives, are anxious for a peaceful settlement of the struggle.