9 JULY 1831, Page 8

THE MERCHANT TAILORS' COMPANY. — The members of this company had a

sort of row yesterday, in consequence of an attempt of the present office-bearers to foist successors on them without their consent. It was dropped for the present. Let the members wait but six months, and we promise them it will never be taken up again. LONDON Uraveltsrry.—At the meeting of proprietors on Saturday last, a committee of proprietors was appointed to inquire into the causes which had hitherto retarded the progress of the University, and to report on the same. We defer any remarks until we see the report.

LECTURESHIP OF Sr. CLEMENT DasEs.—The contest terminated on Monday in favour of the Rev. J. Vaughan. The numbers were—for Mr. Vaughan 702, for Mr. Denham 419.