The Russian Government very lately discovered at Warsaw that some
of the emigrated revolutionists, although the ordinary channels of communication with the kingdom had been cut off, did not relax in their endeavours to excite the people's minds to discontent, and to cherish a hatred of the Russian Government. But, as they had no longer any hopes of attaining this end by the clandestine importation of letters, pamphlets, lithographs, &c. the importation and distriInition of which were vigi- lantly watched, they conceived the idea of attempting a kind of sym- bolical correspondence. In fact, several dealers in works of art and in cutlery in Warsaw are said to have received, nearly at the same time, large consignments of works in bronze and alabaster from Paris, which, as they are of elegant workmanship, and tempt purchasers by their cheapness, have met with a great sale, and are suitable for table and chimney-ornaments, &c. The Police, however, discovered the secret ; on which various seizures were made, and the Council of Ad- ministration was obliged to issue an ordinance, by which all medals, casts, &c. made in the country or imported, are subject to the censor- ship. These ordinances have been already published. —Frank/Zia Paper.
In consequence of a member of the Carlton Club being strongly sus- pected of purloining silver spoons from White's, the Carlton now goes by the name of the Spoovy Club.—Courier.