Dr. Butler, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, was consecrated by
the Archbishop of Canterbury, on Sunday, at the private chapel at
Lambeth Palace. The Bishops of Bristol and Chichester assisted at the ceremony. We hope that Dr. Butler will not bely his Liberal reputation, but vote in the House of Lords as the friend of Parr and of the Duke of Sussex might be expected to vote. The Liberal Bishops are they to whom, in the approaching times of difficulty and danger, the Church must look for support and safety.
Lord John Russell has appointed Mr. Bellenden Kerr to be Re- corder of Andover. We hope that this appointment will give more satisfaction than that of Mr. Buckle to the Worcester Reeordership. Mr. Buckle, according to the (very doubtful) testimony of a corre- spondent of the Times, has already conimitted a blunder in illegally postponing the Quarter-sessions from the 27th June to the 11th July, on account of a " prior engagement." The same person also intimates that the gentlemen of the bar, attending Worcester Sessions, have unanimously expressed their disapproval of Mr. Buckle's appointment to Lord John Russell. Probably each of these gentlemen fancied that he himself would make a better Recorder than the successful can- didate ; and we cannot agree to condemn the appointment on their *- authority. If the choice lay between Mr. Curwood and anothef bar- rister, we can easily imagine a good reason for not choosing Mr. Curwood.
The Times, when tired of propagating errors by its leaders, performs the same duty by pretended correspondents. Too many mistakes fol- lowing each other might disgust even the gullible readers of that journal, and therefore it spreads its errors over the whole surfirce. Under the name of " MNEMON," one of its usual letter-writers on Wednesday as- serted that the Duke of Bedford managed, a few years since, to get a Star and Garter for himself from the Duke of Wellington. This is false. The order of the Star and Garter was conferred on his Grace by the Government of Earl Grey.—Couricr. [But what if be had got the bauble from Wellington?) Sir Henry Parnell has been prevented from attending the House of Commons for several days, by an accident be met with in riding.
The London correspondent of a New York paper details a duel which took place between Lord Melbourne and the Honourable Mr. Mr. Norton on the 13th of May, in which Lord Melbourne is repre. seated to have been wounded. " As soon" says the account, "as his Lordship received his wound, a Cabinet Council was summoned." [This correspondent would suit the Times exactly.]