9 JULY 1836, Page 9



On the 5th inst., at the house of her mother, the lion. Lady Hope, in Park Street, Westminster, Lady VERNEY, of a daughter. On the 38th ult., at Laverock Bank, near Edinburgh, the Hon. Mrs. DAVIDSON, of Tulloch, of a son and heir.

'On the 1st inst., at Quarles, Halkharn, the Lady of the lion. Timm AS K EPPEL, of a daughter.

On the 411, inst., at Skreens. the 1.ady of J. W. RR ASISTON, Digt, Ml', of a sou. On the 1st inst., at Harrow. the Lady of A N DR lar L1WhON, Eaj., M.P., or a sOil. On the 6th inst., at her father's house, in Brunswick &mare, Mrs. HENRY CHEM'S.,

of a daughter. NIABRIAG ES.

On the 5th inst , at the mansion of the Marquis and Marchioness of Ailsa, in Privy Gardens. by the Rev. Lord Augustots I:Urchin-me. by special licence. Sir Joira CATH- CART. Bart , or (1.1ton. to Lady II. ELEANUR KENNEDY, granildairghter to the Mar- quis and Marchioness of Ailsa. Ott the 5th inst.. Parsa Wm/J*1,40d in sou of Peter Barlow, Esq., F.R.S., to Banns Us SWEintn, etoest danghter of Witaam Catlin, Esq.. of the lteyal Laboratory, Woolwich.

It,,' 5th inst.. I. K. 11Reasir., Esq., of Duke Street. Westminster, to MARV ELIRA- 01II/1. r of Willie In !lord y, Esq.. of the Kensingten G ravel-pit s. On ill • 5$ h hist . at St. George'a ('iiuiili. Hanover Square, the Rev. GEORGE BIG' HAIL 01 county or Dorchester. to PRANCES BEAM IiI.AORAVIG ottly daughter of Anthony hitagrase, Fsq . formerly of the Hon. East ludia Cob- pony's Bengal Civil Establishnient.


On the 7114 inst.. Mrs. Chows'. of Parliament Street, in her Gist year.

On the 5th inst.. at Odiham. Hants. (711A111.ss Sn sitar ARE, Esq., in his 61th year. After a tenet hened and severe illness, Mr. G. ii. 'Sustis, of Grove Lane, Camber- s: ell. in his 70th year Du the 24 inst.. at his house in Beverley, 'Yorkshire, Hexer Et.i.tscos, Esq , in his 75th year. Millie 1st inst., Mr. SCOTT. of Stevens's lintel. New Bond Street, in his 74th year. On the 28th ult., at Cheltenham, Lieutenant Colonel JAMES LAWRIE, of the Bengal Army.

On the 4th inst. SA next. Otnnr.esrous, of Torrington Stowe. and of New Square Line..In's I mr, Esti . in his 69th y ear.