9 JULY 1836, Page 9


WAR-OFFICE, July 5.—Memorandum.—The half-pay of the mulermentionerl officers has been cancel!, d from the 5th inst. inclusive, upon their receiving a commuted allow- ance air their commissions—Paymaster 'I'. Ferns, half-pay 99th Foot ; Capt. 11. De Forster, half-pay Brituso tek Infantry.

Oericx or OR J nly 4.—R oyal Regt. of Artillery—Gent. Cadets to be Second

• Lients.—J. IL Dennis. vice pinnintell; I). W. Pack, vice Freese, promoted; J. Travers, vice Cie:wet:1ml, promoted: Hon. G. '1'. Develeux, vice Murray. promoted; R. Blackwood, vice Stni; lt,promoted ; R. S. Allen, vie, Turner, promoted ; W. Swinton, vice 'Marriott. promoted; E. W. Rolle-ell, vice Hooper. promoted; S. D. Broughton, vice Elwyn, promoted; A. II. Graham, vice Wright. promoted; First Lieut. W. J . Stokes to be ;second Captain. vice J. W. Smith, retired on halt-pay; Second Lieut. T. Wilkins to be First Lieut. vice Stokes; Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. Sir A. Dickson, K.C.11 to be Col. vie(' Forster. deceased ; Capt. and Brevet Major T. G. Browne lobe -Lieut.-Col. vice Diekson ; Second ('alit . B. Willis to he Capt. 51cc Browne; First Lieut. C. B. Symons to be Second Capt. vice Willis; Second Lieut. W. T. Crawlbrd to be First Lieut. vice SynI011S. WAR•OFFICE.Julv S.-2d liegt. Life Guards—To be Limits. by purchase—Lieut. T. Naylor. vice Illackliurn, who retires; Cornet and Sub-Lieut. W. C. D. II. Vy se, Vice • Fairlie, who retires. To he Cornets and Sub-Lieuts. by purchase—J. K. Wedderlfurn, Gent. vice Naylor; It. N. Lawley. Gent. vice Vyse; E. Michael Earl of Longford, vice Knox, who retires. 1st Drag. Guards—Ensign R. Hollis, from the 49th Foot, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice May, who retires. 3d Drag. Guards—Lieut. 3. 1). .Dyson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Be:tuition, who retires ; Cornet F. Watt to he Lieut. by purchase, vit.:if Dyson ; S.C. Meat. C. II. 3. Rich, from the 87th Foot. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Watt. 7th Drag. Guards—Capt. 3. Bolton to be Major by purchase. vice Curteis. who retires ; Lieut. J. W. Hunter to be Capt. by purchase, vice Bolton ; Cornet E. Codrington to be 1.ieut. by purchase, vice hunter; J. Crofts, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Colringtou. 4th Light Drags.—R. Routh, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase. vice Cornwall, whose appointment has not taken place. 16th Light Drags.—Major W. I). Mercer. from the 67th Foot, to be Major, vice W. H. Sperling. who retires upon half.pay Unattached ; Cornet G. Harriett to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Rose, who retires; .1. P. Smith, Gent. to be Cornet, by pur- chase, vice Harriott. Coldstream Regt. Foot Guards—Lient. and Capt. Av. J. Codrington to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by pnrchase, vice Glegg, who relict's: Ensign and Lieut. F. Heiken to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase vice Codrington ; Hon. L. Hope to be Ensign and Lieut. by poirclinse, vice Halkett. Scots Fusilier Guards —Hon. G. A. Byron to be F:usign and Lient. by purchase. vice Levinge, whose appointment has not taken place. 17th Foot—Ensign H. L. Herbert. from the 84th Foot. to be Lieut. without purchase,. vice Tobin, dec. 49th Foul—T. P. Gibbons, Gent, to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Hollis, iippointed to the 1st Drag. Guards. 5411, Foot—T. Mosty xi. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ilawkshaw,who retires. 57th Foot—Ensign %V. I.. Stewart to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Armstrong, who allow; II. C. eardew, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Stewart. 67th Foot— Major W. N. Osange, from the loalf-pay Unattaehed, to be Major, vice Mercer, ap- pointed to the 16th Light Drags. 79th Foot—Eusign J. Douglas to be Lieut. by pur. chase, vice Gore. who retires: Sec. Lieut. P. L. itl'llougall, from the Ceylon Regt. to be Ensign, vice Douglas. 80th Foot—J. N. Ontry, Gent. to be Sec. Lieut. by pur- chase, vice C. H..1. Rich. appointed to the 341 Drag- . Guturils. 88111 Foot—Ensign H.

Persse. from the 99th Foot. to be Ensign, vice II:taker, promoted; Gent. Cadet J.

M. Fowler, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Herbert, promoted in the 1711. Foot. 95th Foot --f.ieut . G. Stewart tube Capt. by purchase, vice Whyte. who retires; Ensign A. 'I'. Ileyland to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Stewart ; 0. Cornwall, Geut. to he Ensign, by purchase. vice Heyland. 99th Foot —F1 . Pardoe, Gent, to be Eus. by par. vice Persse, appointed to the 88th Foot.

Ceylon Rifle Regt.—II. G. Remmeti, Gent. to be Sec. Lieut, by purchase, vice BI'Dottgall, appointed to the 79th Foot.

Unattached—Ensign E. A. Hawker, from the 88th Foot. to Ire Lieut. by purchase. Brevet—Major Gen. Sir J. Colborne, K.C.B. to have the local rauk of Lieut.-Gen. in Upper and Lower Canada only. Garrisons—Major-Gen. the Hon. P. Stuart to be Governor of Edinburgh Castle during the period he may continue on the Staff in North Britain.