Sir Thomas Bateson, the colleague of Mr. Darby Griffith at
Devizes, also made a remarkable speech. lie rang in the mem- bers from dinner—probably having dined himself—and shook the House with inextinguishable laughter. His voice in cash sen- tence went upstairs, as it were, to a comic scream at the close. He predicted in grotesque strains the emasculation of the aristocracy, amidst the loud laughter of the House, and yelled this sort of thing at the Treasury bench :—" He could tell them that this new- born sympathy for the working man was begotten by the lust of power and the love of place, was suckled by the unctuous pap' of peripatetic stump orators, and was dry-nursed by the insolent and swaggering bluster of domineering agitators. But after all the baby was but a puny one ; it was but a weak, delicate creature, and after all that artificial nourishment, and after its having gone through all the forcing promo, he doubted very well whether they would ever see it no* astigritg." Iret iitreohed thec House, and enabled them td Elden to a very beaidgbd sodeloquesst protest of Mr. Coleridge's against Mr. Lowe's doctrines with greater attention and pleasure.