9 MARCH 1833, Page 11


STOCK FXCHANGE, FRIDAY LvriqiNG, In the early part of the week the Money Market was very buoyant, and on Wednesday and yesterday Consols for Account were as high as 883 ; from which a decline took place, and the price has been to-day as low as 88, and closed at Various causes are assigned for this sudden alteration ; but the most probable one is the apprehension entertained by the capitalists, that in order to carry into effect the Government plan of slave amelioration, a large loan will be required to provide the necessary funds wherewith to indemnify the West Indian planters for the losses they must sustain by the emancipation of the Negroes. The sum required is stated to be fifteen millions. We are not in possession of any positive information as to the course the Government will adopt ; but it is generally understood in the City, that the measures to be introduced are of a sweeping nature, and are assented to by the Committee of West India Proprietors : it is also currently asserted that compensation to the extent mentioned has been determined on. Exchequer Bills remain steady at 47s. and 488. prem., and money continues as abundant as ever. During the week the books of the following Stocks closed previous to dividend, and will remain shut till after the 10th of April :—Bank Stock, 3 per Cent. Reduced, 31-1 per Cent. Reduced, 01per Cents. 1818, 4 per Cents., Long Annuities, and India Stock.

The investments in the Foreign Funds still continue. Dutch Stock, which is the most sought after, has risen materially, and was at one time at 46i-1 per cent, above the closing price of last week : several large sales have been effected both yesterday and to-day, and the price has consequently fitllen, and

closes at 43t. Belgian Bonds have been in great demand, and have improved nearly 2 per cent. on our last quotation ; the price has been, to-day, 883, but closes at 88i. Brazilian Stock has also improved, and closes at 62i. Russian and Danish Bonds are in demand at higher prices than last week ; the former at 10:3,, and the latter at 734 74. Portuguese Stock and Scrip are at last week's prices. We are still without any intelligence from Oporto. A pros. pectus of a new loan for the service of Don Mmuzr, is in circulation : the amount sought to be raised is 40 millions of francs, or about a million and a half sterling, in a 5 per cent. Stock at 64. The contract has been entered into by some Parisian bankers, whose agents here are the respectable house of Messrs. GOWER and NEennws. Spanish Stock has been to-day at 174, and closes at

The price has improved in Paris, anti a hope is entertained by the bondholders that the new Ministry of Spain will take measures to raise the credit of their country front its present fallen state.

SATURDAY, ONE o'CLOox. Very little has been doing here this morning. Consols have slightly improved on yesterday's price, and are884i for Account ; the Foreign Funds generally i

are also higher, but the business n them is not important. The intelligence from Oporto has had no effect on Portuguese Stock : both the Bonds and Scrip are at yesterday's prices. Spanish Stock continues to improve ; the price has been as high as 17fi and is now 17a -L. SATURDAY, Fintre O'CLocr.

Consols close at SS i for the Account, and 88k. for Money. The Foreign Funds generally are higher. Dutch Stock is 463 ; Belgian, 883 Spanish Stock has experienced a considerable rise, and is now 19i. We cannot trace the cause of this improvement ; but it is reported that a proposition (similar to the one of last year) for the conversion of the Cortes Debt into Spec cent. Stack, will shortly be made public; and as the Spanish 3 per Cents. are now 44 in the Paris Market, the Stock here will, if convertible into that species of security, be materially enhanced in value.

3 per Cent. Consists 83 Belgian 5 p. Cts. Stif 9 Mexican Op. Cents. 353 6 Ditto for Account 83 3 Brazilian 5 per Cts. 52 Portuguese 5p. Cts.513 524

New 33 p. Cent. Aux 944 1 Danish 3 per Cents. 731 4 Dej1tegenevSe.5p.Ct.43 4.1 Bank Stock Dutch 23 per Cents. 461 Prussian(13-18)5 Olt.— —

India Stork 9064 French 3 per Cents. — Russian(1322) 5 p.Ct. 103 3 Exchequer Bills 47 49 Greek (1825)5 p•Cts. 33 35 Spanish(1821) 5 p.Ct. 19