The African Shiee-Trade. By TDOMAS EOWELI, BUXTON, Esq. Labour's Wrmigs and Labour's Remedy ; or, the Age of Might and the Age of Right. By 3. F. BmAr. Manual of Political Elhies. By FRANCIS LIEBER. Part I. Book 1.- " Ethics General and Political." Book II.—" The State." Codex Legion Anylirunarum; or a Digest of Principles of English Law, arranged in the order of the Code Napoleon. By Gramm: BLAXI,AND. Trials of the _Mart. By Mrs. BRAY, Author of " Trelawney." "The Borders of the Tamar and Tavy," &c. In three vols. filudnionients; or First Verse attempts, he a Borintatural. Addressed, to the Lightheaded of Society at large. By HENny ELLisos, of Christ- church, Oxford. In two vols. Latta Rooldi; an Oriental Romance. By TDOMAS MOORE. Nineteeuth edition. Illustrated with Engravings.
[This popular poem, the chief of the Boudoir Classios, in which all creation
alitters like a world of. gems surrounded by an atmosphere of " p-erfnmes," is now reprinted in a handsome style, on hot-pressed paper of large 'octavo size, and embellished with melodramatic designs by Messrs. E. Con- K and F. STEPHANOFI, all eminent purveyors of pic- soriot K. orial beauties and spangled wardrobes. The plates are beautifully engravul Lido. Cumthcs 1lEx1'n's superintendence ; the temporary binding is tasteful ; and altogether the volume is fit to range with Sir E. BELWER'S rOnianees and other elegant fancy-books.] Tin --Irt of Painting in Oil, and in Fresco; being a History of the various Processes and .Materials employed, from its discovery, by Hubert and Jelin Y an Eyck, to the present time: translated trom the original Freitell treatise of M. J. F. L. ...51i4totix, Secretary to the Bovril Academy of Pin,2 Arts, in Paris. 1Vith Original Observations on the Itve, and Pmn.ess of 13ritiA Art, the French and English Chromatic Sealea, and Theiwies of Colon ring, by W. B. SABSEIELD TAYLOR, Senior Curator Of the Living Model Academy, 8.:c. &c. ,A valttal de treatise on tIl• practical part of painting ; useful to the commis-
' - 119- the artist and eitecillly so to the few painters who prepare their t•ettr s • • , • •
own pi,ments. We deduce limn it the opinion, that the durability of colours of ltaligto and Dutch painters, is zit trilmtable to their having used varnish us a vehicle Ito: colour, and the attention they paid to the purity of the materials thee employed. The translator's additions consist of a sligItt sketch of the urtyress ofint in this country, and some remarks on colouring; but his inthrina- clan is neither 1011 nor new.] Tin lear-B"ok qf Facts in Science and Art. Exhibiting the most im- portant DiFeoveries and 'Improvements Of the past year, in Mechattit s, Natural Philosophy, Electricity, Chemistry, Zol;l9gy and Betan v, Geology and Nlincralogy, Astronomy, Aleteorology, 'and. Ceograpliy. Illustrated with engravings. t'A continuation of the ..-/./e,rp,,/ nf Science, in an improved and enlarged fc.rm, iIHLra lam., popular title. Tile volume consists of about ohe ti ti t ic w tt hick "—ctr pie cc of intialua t ion, rather—in the various branches of useful science. the proffitee of the paq year, gleaned hot ii the public prints; condensed, simplified. and via-shied. The three great Aeientific occurrences of 1638, it i•eins, lire thy cro,sing the Atlantic by stcani-vessels, the " discovery of the .North-West passage,- k a journey along a vet unsurveyed part of the coast er Am, de,: nwalit,) and the at.terinivalion of the parallax of the Fixed tric;,,,c, (11,svd to the Unity of the Church, especially in thie. present
-T,airlted 1,y a desire x.l.ich has animates' the well-meaning in all agas- illat U /,,•;/;/;!/ the Christi..d ;douches, Sir CuLLim: EABD1.1:1' Sum! 011.0vd.
priz. t.i I I 1 1. for the he :a c,sity on Schism. '1It I Ii it. and Bee. BA yrisT
Num. the Rev. JAMES :"...11EILMAN were appointed umpires; and, Avitit crifieni ricience that we envy and admire, these gentlemen waded through filIy- one essays. awarding the priim to the one beliwe us.
The g'eneral ilitilitit ii iii the treatise may be given by saying that it enters wry full■ Min the subject, awl pICA somewhat beyond. Ille style of compoii- nun is initiate anti v i is and we stillect that, so far LIS the treatise is in will reitutin much as it was.]
ripiare /flography, Inuth ; or, Select Lives of the Patriarchs and Pntplicts, compiled from the Sacred Writings,_ and illustrated by Ori- ental Traditions. Ilv a Friend to Youth. With twelve ennivings, lnati the designs or Alc,tin and Westall.
lionrs or Instruction and Comffirt for the Mourner. A gcod selection of serious pieces in reference to Death ; sonic devotional, CIfttydeet lye or didactic. The extracts consist of poetry as well as prose, anti arc iniwstly front modern authors.]
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(ittufiqs, Jure■talis, Prrsh,$, Expurgaii. liSILIn SehOlia.
[A. neatly got-up and beautifully printed edition. with the broth/ passages omitted, but the numeration of the lines I ruing retained, with a ready reference Is wince they may be found. The text is unaccompanied by notes; and if the Barrow boys, for whom it is intended, are sufficiently acquaiuted with Boman customs and history, and what we may call the Walpolian aneedotes the Empire. to comprili, ;:d thc inthed text of either jUVENAL or Peasi us, they are too advanced to he kept at school or college.] N. 7. Cie/ man's Opera Sdeeta. Iii usum Academile Edinensis. Ex ciii- tititie J. C. ()BELLI'.
A neat text of sonic selected Orations and Epistles, with the Brutus, the Bialugues on Friendship and Old Age, and the Dream of Scipio.]
Popular Instructio,is Ott tio, Calculation ut Probabilities. Translated from the French of M. A. To which are added Notes, by
Bic:Haim BEAmion, Lo1,, C.E., &e.
The Works we Jen, Billik«111; now first collected, under the superin- tendence of his executor, JOIIN llowBING. Part yin.
tie The Copsnirlwy: a Play, in five nets. To which are added, I listorical Odes oil the Last Thies of Elizabeth ; Cromwell's Dream ; the 14ml' cif Nelson. By the Anil= of the " Lady of Lyons." "Eugene &e. PAMI•111.ETS.
The Practical Imp,ri«nc,' the Unitarian Controversy ; a Lecture, de- livered in Paradise :zit.. et Chapel, Liverpool, on Tuesday, February 12, 15:111, by the Hey. JOHN 11A3111.rox Timm.
of' Logic ; preparatory to the study of Geometry. By. ALY- it sTus DE :1f oitcAN, of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor ui Ma- thematics in University College, London. Num/est/ma j ./.'ociflimfing the .1',Vin/whis,,,nent uif Copyhohl Prmtpta1iI, teudiv to the mutual and equal beni lit of the Lords mid Cop) holders. By ANDIIEw VAN SANDAL', Eaq., Solicitor. fitbin,t Coiloquics, No. ii. — " Dinner Dialogues of the Melbourne llinktry." :lb mai, of a Dosign fiv a Monument to Lord Nelson, intended. to be erected in the centre of Trafalgar Square. By PATRIC PARE, Sculptor. Duscription fitr a Desifin t■ur a Monument to Lord Nelson, Motto, . The Pictorial Edition of &ere. Part V.—" King Richard IL" Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Illustrated by PHIS. No. I.
Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. By CHRISTOPHER Wounswonm, D.D. Part II.
Arabian Nights' Entertainments; translated by the Reverend EDWARD FoltSTEn. Part IV.
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