At the Bow Street Office, on Tuesday, Mr 'Charles Mathews
at- tended to in6wm Sir Frederick Roe of an attempt to maim or kill his wife, Madame Vestais, Front Mr. Matheas's statement it appeared, that on the previeta- evening, a Mr. Lancaster, passing through t Lin- coln's Inn Fields, had heard two men, dsessed as sailors, using mena- cing language respecting Madame Vestris. One of them dropped a letter, which he picked up and read. It was signed "B. F. Yatchell;"
was badly spelt, and coarsely expressed ; but, from its attention to inign:rfarlieet punctuation, would seem not to have been written by a real: person. It was addressed to "Dear Jack;" whom it recommended to "tattoo her damned countenance with everlasting pepper," so as to prevent her from "play-acting," or "daring to speak country," but not to meddle with "bloody eorpsing work, or nothing of that species." Mr. Mathews was to be 'served out" another time; and "tile thing with gunpowder, no shot or shells," was to be sent by the "parcels delivery.' Mr. Lancaster took the letter to Mr. Mathews, at the Olympic Theatre. Next morning, a parcel was delivered by the Delivery Company ; which Mr. Mathews carried, with the letter, to Bow Street. Sir Frederick Roe regarded the whole affair as a hoax, and advised Mr. Mathews to open the box at the Theatre. This was done, after some demur, by the carpenter, who stamped the lid in with his heel. There was no explosion; but it is said that the box contained a quarter of a pound of' gunpowder, Incifer-matches, and sand-paper, which would have ignited had the lid been raised. The person who left the packet at the Parcels Delivery Company's office in Plumtree Street, Bloomsbury. ran off as soon as he had given it to the clerk, Had the packet be, a sent to the Olympic Theatre immediately, it would have been received before Mr. Lancaster bad given warning of its Clan selves contents. A reward of 1001. is offered on the conviction of the (mender.
Yesterday afternoon, a private investigation into the circumstances took place, at Bow Street. In the Public Office, a servant was cow- milted for trial oa a charge of robbery in the house of Mr. Mathews at Notting Hill. It was not mentioned that the robbery had any con- nectitnt with the story ante box.
The Times says— 'lime plarard on't ring a reward for the detection of the persons who sent the mahogany box to the Olympic! Theatre has been sent to our ottice. It is odd that we hear no inure of the emdruls of the box. Has any chemist examined its contents; and if so, what is his report ? Was the powder toothpowder or fettupliviler P Were the twisted papers squibs and crackers or children's bon- boas? 'A Genuine YftAcc informs us that the slang in the letter is not Amerieun slang, which is very different from the' Cockney jargon."
On Wednesday, an inquest was held at the Castle 11111, Woolwich, on the body of Charlotte Rees, who was found shot in the cottage of her parents in Powis Street, Woolwich, on Monday evening last. A sol- dier was taken into custody as the murderer ; Mr. Macdonald, a surgeon, having declared that he fbund a deep bayonet-wolugtluilttli was head. But it appesred on subsequent examination, tint the ca used by a bullet from a carbine, discharged by Jane.; \\looney, a workman, who with others was firing at a block in a yard adjoining the house where the girl lived : Whoolley missed the block, and the bullet entered the house and killed the deceased, The Coroner's Jury gave a verdict of " manslaughter" against Whoolley.
On Saturday evening, by an explosion of a steam-boiler on Ile pre- mises of' Mr. Marsha ! boiler-tnaker, in Colchester Street, Whiteehapel, Mr. Marshall's son, a youth of' eighteen, and a workman, were hilted. Damage also was dom.: to the premises.