Mr. Finch, the Member for Walsall, having refused to pay
his church-rate, the ease was last week brought before Lord Dartmouth and Mr. Grove, at Barr, and after a hearing, a warrant of distress was granted.—Birminglorm Advertiser.
At 13ridport a church-rate has been carried by a majority of 236 to 104.
Colonel Thompson has been lecturing on the Corn-laws at Lynn and Swanton. He was very well received.
The Bury and Norwich Post states, that the Chartists of Norwich are generally arming that about 300 are already armed with pikes,
of which the description is given ; that these pikes are fast making their way into the country villages; and, that about sixty men will bare Norwich this week so armed, and some also with pistols for the North of England. It is said that a strong body of London Police are stationed at 1\1ansfield, in order to protect the Duke of Newcastle, the Duke of Portland, and Mr. Unwin, an active Magistrate, from attacks, which they apprehend from evil disposed persons.
'the Brighton Gazette says—" We hear that an elopement has taken place from this town, and that it has been -.followed by 0 hostile meet- iaa in the neighbourhood of London. As the particulars have not yet into the papers, we will not add to the distress of the parties by mentioning names."