9 MARCH 1839, Page 6

Zijr itirtropo1i5.

A faa-ei ,1 easeing of the Court of Comin...n Council was held on

Tbm: t•• con..1 1.er the or the new Police Bill. A report from ti.s Co.amit.re 1h II. 11 tO Wateli lasprn;:TI:S.S of the bill was brought up and agreed to. The report cen:qti'eLi the bill in the str•inge-t terms, as unjust and unnecessary so far as the City was con- cerned. A s:-ries re,olations condemnatory of the bill was unani- Monsly carried, after a gut many of the members of the Court had ditat.,,i on the nituter wltielt they (named.

The Lotalon Prseursors gave Mr. O'Connell a public dinner on Tteades, at the I I 1,011ary Barn Tavern, Is:it:atom Several Members oI Parlinme:.t, ineilth:or Mr. Corueliu O'Bfien, Mr. Bridgentan, Mr. Nilo:: Browne, and Mr. Morgan John O'Connell, were present. About 'Gilt handred persons sat down to table; two hundred ladies occupied Coe ; and there was a good band of music. Mr. O'Connell llmself was in the chair. Ile made a long speech on his usual topics. The A n!i-Corn-law fel,:gation Committee receive frequent commit-

Licati the revinces, indicating the spread of sound opinions • II: • .• j••••:. tr free tra:.le.

tl.:: National Convention continue to bold their v 1: t always very harmonious. A vote of censure 1: • - • 1, 1... a :,:::jorhy of 15 to lo, on thrt!e members, for using et I assal sse, t, oeto era " ulterior measares." A motion to

X' r1 1. .:11 but withdrawn. The Birmingham de- l.., . s ef London are erecting a grand conserva- .,. s•-: D. ( .!:1,•■1 upon a very large scale, calculated to

. to than hitherto, the fruits and flowers

4 tiltn4e prudaced undee their own immediate sap -ch.', 1, .

inladas.... pari.-S1 of St. Mary, Whiteehapel, are bestir- rlag Os-a-else, t sss.i.: the formation of a royal park and promenade 1-1 the neiaillentsi,,ssl: and the Vestry of' the parish are almat to bring : tilittor becorc thy pithite.

It Ns•J:i cX p4-e1.44 it tile first stone of the new Houses of Parliament IV fuld have lwen laSS M‘mtlay, and many persons attended to wit- h' • . nothing more was done than depositing the 1r51 : of the ttitl,a,:tti!ent, under which suns gold alai silver coins of the presen. reise N% err placed ; Lord Dune:ninon officiating on the es ea ben The first some of the Houses will, it is said, be laid by the Quill ie .1:me n •st.