At a meeting in the Trades Hall. conveded hy the G:es sow Anti- Corn-law Association, and held on Monday, the report of ti:: proceed- ings of the Delegates in Loudon MIS read and approved of; and a vote of thanks passed to Messrs. Weir and Johnstone. Mr. Walter Buchanan moved a resolution, that the House offommoes, itsrejeceieg the prayer of the petition preeented by Mr. Villiere. exhibited a con- temptuous disregard. of the' interests of the people. calculated to diminish coutidence in the wisdom of Parliament, mid to alerm the friends 01' order and good government. A body of t.'hartiets attempted to inter- rupt the proceedings ; and one of them moved an adjournment o the meetiog. Mr. Buchanan's resolution, however, was carried by a large majority ; and the Chartists left the Hall. Mr. Colgnhoun, M.P., has been elected Lerd IIretor of Marisehal College, Aberdeen.