9 MARCH 1839, Page 9


Arrived—At Gravesend, March 5th, Lady Rattles, Ryles, from Bengal. Off Portland, 2d, lierefordShire, Jackson, from ditto. Off the Wight, 5th Sunda, —, front ditto ; -sk

J. R. Iteid,—*, from Mauritius. Off Plymouth, 11, Selma, Luckie, from China. At Liverpool, 21, Queen Malt, Ainlie, from Bengal. At St. Helena, Jan. 15th, James Holmes; Johns, from Bengal ; and Zoe, Holmes, from Mauritius; 17th, Elvim, Simp- son, from Bengal ; and Gloucester, . Brooks, from the Mauritius; and on the 19th, Colhugwood,. Downes, from Bengal. At the Cape, January .6th, Louisa, Lewis; and Shepherd. Jardine, from London. At Mauritius, Hobe, Todd; Slamhenless, Bigger.; Eagle, Patterson ; Earl Powis, Spittall ; Stratford, Latin; And Iris. Fisher, from London; Mauritian, Reed; and Mary. Gilmore, from Liver- , pool ; Sybilla. Knowles; and W. Thompson, Roberts, from Bristol ; and Meteor,—, . from Clyde. Sailed—From Gravesend, March 2d, Pekoe, Mies, for China ; and 7th, Stratheden,

• Clicape, for Madras. From Liverpool,- 4th, Mary Ann Webb, Lloyd, for Bengal.