We have several arrivals from India this week, hut all of them are of older dates than vessels which we have formerly reported. No additional information has been received relative to the hurricane near the Mauritius.
Arrived.—At Gravesend, May 3d, Diamond, Clarke, from Bengal; Ulster, Shannon, from Bombay ; and Mary, Monroe, from siauritins; 4th, Boyne, Pope, from Bengal and Madras, and Fortesque, Henderson, from Mauritius ; 5th, Elizabeth, Stewart, from the Cape: 6th, Esther, Robinson, from Bombay. At Portsmouth, May 6th, H.M.S. Helleon, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, May 6th, Packet, 5CArthur, from Bengal. At Batavia, Jan. 5th, Alice, Powditels, from Liverpool.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, May 2d, Alexander, Ogilvie, for Singapore; 6th, Norfolk, Greig, for New South 1Vales; 7th, Resolution, Parker, for the Cape, and H. C. S. Alinerve, Probyn, for Madras and Bengal.
Spoken.—Sesostris, from London to Bombay, 4th Jan., 21 south, 73 east; Statira, from London to Bengal, 28th April, -II north, 10 west. SATURDAY MORNING. Sailed.—From Gravesend, May 8th, Mountaineer, Shea], for the Cape.