Friday, May 8.
PA ItTNERS17IPS D1SSOLVED.—J. and J.W. Newhall, Woolwich, Kent, ironmnngcrs 3. sett. 11. Cort, and J. Barstoti, Leicester, iron moagers (as far as regards 3. Cut, IL. Morris, J. Carter, and J. Smith, Liverpool, wine-merchants—W. Case, and T. I; richrman, Cambridge, woollen-drapers—T. and G. Farrar, Scholes, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, dyers—W. and .1. Douglas, Coventry, ironmongers—E. Connell, J. Wright, and G.John. stone, Genoa, deters; as far as regards G. Johnstone—T. Wetherell and W. Mencke, Nun head, Camberwell. Surrey, brick-makers—J. Tally and J. Harrison, Apsley, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, silksdyers—A. and J. Woodhead, Netherthong, Almondbury, Yorkshire, clothiers—W. Duncan, D. Bryson, T. Aikman, P. Ewing, 1). Kennedy, and R. Weir, New Clyde Shipping Company, Glasgow—H. 1:avies and P. Whittinghatn, Liverpool, bookbinders—CI. and J. Ray, Nottingham, and Wood street and Gutter-lane, Cheapside, manufacturers—C. and R. Iliader, Cheapside linen-drapers—E. Charlton and I. T. Miller, Coal-Exchange, coal-factors—FT. and It. Tretiry and B. Fox, Exeter, Devonshire, tea-dealers ; as far as regards II. Fox—C. Sbargool and W. Tolley, Birmingham, Warwickshire, dealers in musical instruments—J. Roberts, It. Leonard, and J. Hare sen. of Hillsbridge wharf, near 'Temple-gate. Bristol, coal-merchants; as far as regards It. Leonard—O. Johnson, J. Beery, and it. Ilarris, Birmingham, glass-manufacturers; as far as regards 0. Johnson—G. Wakeman and E. C. Wilson, Thame, Ox fordshire, surgeons—U. Thompson and H. Way, Duke-street, St. James's, tailors—W. Perrin and H. Bragg, Brick-hill-lane, provision-agents-3, H. S., and E. Winter, Bristol, comb-makers; as far as regards H. S. Winter—P., J., and A. Rutherford, Marlbarongh-street, tailors: as far as regards P. Rutherford—J. P. Osborne, J. C. Spurden, I). Petlihimm, and T. Creek, Colchester, Essex, coal-merchants—T. Stringer (deceased) and W. Green, Macclesfield and Congleton, Cheshire, brass. founders.
INS 01.v ENTs.—May 6, JoilN LEE STEvENS, real-merchant—Slay 6, JOON STEvENs, Plymouth, ship:owner—May 6, JAM 15 STET ENs, Plymouth, culm-merchant—May 7, JAMEs EDWAR DS, Twickeigunn, boot. maker—May 8, T11031As HUNT, Strand, stationer. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.—ToomAs GLovErt, Jaw,: OAKDEN, BALM LOMAS, Jona DETnicE, and o n x G Rae N, Derby, flax-manufacturers.
BANK RUPTs.—{,To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingholl-strect.]—CATutItlNK BARRER, Little Newport-street, Westtninster, victualler, May 15, 26, June IS: solicitors, Messrs. Vandercom and Comyn, Bush-lane, Cannon-street—Jo nxillt NT ER MA ItT, East India-chambers, Leadenhaa-street, wine-merchant, May 12, 22, June 19 : solicitor, Mr. Bowden, Little St. Thomas Apostle—Jo us: H us sEY FAGAN, Old Broadstreet, merchant, May 15, 26, June IS: solicitor, Mr. Nias, Princes-street, Bank—Wt LIAM SIIERLEY, Stanwell, inn-keeper, Slay 15, 19, June 19: solicitor, Mr. Robinson, Orchard-street, Portman-square—Ric HARD BADCOCK, Gutter-lane, warehouseman, May 12, 22, June 19: solicitors, Messrs. James, Bucklersbury—JAmes PATTERsON, sen. Citt011,02 FarainaucxZwrEaw1/4 Nuaor.bouse, autaideweU, boardiag-liouse
keepers, May 12, 22, June 19: solicitor, Mr. Noy, Cannon-street—BastrAstrie Ssoss, Bermondsey-wall, Bermondsey, shipwright, May 15, 22, Juae 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Howard, Mincing-lane,
BAsatitu ers.—[To surrender in the Country.]—GEORGE WOODING, (otherwise Geo a GB WoAKS WOObING), Eardisley, Herefordshire, grocer, May 15, 16, June 19: solicitor, Mr. Smith, Basinghall-street—BrcuAltn,EsTillin, and ANN Slits, and JANIES HAMER, jun. Mansfield and Nottingham, cotton-dealers, June 2,3, ID: solicitors, Messrs. Taylor, Featherstone-buildings, Holborn—Gsoace Ana and Wilec al ELI) GEE, Mar. colt-mill, Gloucestershire, silk-throwsters, May 18, 19, June ID: solicitors, 'Messrs. Wimburu and Collett, Chancery-lane—CnArtse a HARRIS, Alcester, Warwickshire, saddler, Slay 18, 19, June 19: solicitor, Mr. Michael, Red Llou-square—JAAJES GuNToN GARNER, Ryton-upon-Dunsmore, Warwickshire, miller, May 18, 19, June 19: solicitors, Messrs. Fleming and Baxter, Gray's-inn-place—JAMES TOWNLEY, Casne Donington, Leicestershire, cotton-spinner, May 2, 3, June 19' solicitors, Messrs. Hurd and Johnson, Temple—TitomAs Di cal NSON, Liverpool, timber-merchant, May 23, 26, June IS: solicitors, Messrs. Kearsey and Hughes, Lothbury. Dr vinEXDS.—June 5, W. Remington, It. Stephenson, D. It. Remington, and 3. P. Toulmin, Lombard-street, bankers—June 5, J II. Teuton, Finch Lane, Cornhill, merchant—May 29, J. Dowley, Howland-street, Tottenham-Court-road, and It. Tuck, Pembroke-square, Kensington, builders—May 29, J. Brooke and C. Bowsteatl, Nantwiell, Cheshire, and Toxteth Park, near Liverpool, common-brewers—June 3, W. Drinkwater, Blanchester, woollen-draper—June 12, .1. Dunnill, jun., Wakefield, Yorkshire, tailor— June 9, J. Weelands, late of Durham, draper—May 29, D. Austin, No. 14, Cottage-arose, Mile-end-town, brickmaker—May 2.5, E. C. Little, Old Kent-road, Camberwell, 1,rewsr —May 29, D. Hiatt, Albany-road, Camberwell, and of Sweeting's-alley, scrivener—May 29, H. Brown, late of Twickenham, Middlesex, cabinet-maker—Slay 29, Manassas, otherwise Manasse, BUShane, late of Foley-place (but now of the King's Bench Priseio, upholsterer—May 29, J. Till, Basinghall-street, woollen-draper—May 29, It. Pullen, Leeds, merchant—May 29, T. Christian, Crown-street, Finsbury.sauare, woollen-draper —May 29, E.Womersley, Little Guildford-street, Southwark, hat-manufacturer—May al, J. Harrop, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, clothier (trading under the firm of J. Harrop and Son)—May 29, W. J. Ramsey, Harp-lane, victualler—May 29, W. Jones, New Bond-street, linen-draper—May 29, W. Holland, Rotherhithe, linen-draper—May 29, J. Kendall, Stratford, Essex, cow-keeper—June 3, W. Gracie, Berwick-upon-Tweed, printer—June I, 31. Kirby, The Wood, Hawkshead, Lancashire, butcher—May 29, F. Oldfield, late of Pall-mall, but now of Norton-street, Tottenham-court-road, wine-mer. chimt.
CERTIFICATES to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before May 20.-1{. Roseland, Chilworth, Surrey, paper-manufacturer—W. S. Hollis, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, gun-maker—J. Todd, Sheffield, Yorkshire, bookseller—R. W. 11, Douglas, Woodeote, Sussex, coach-proprietor—J. P. Clarke, Drayton, Warwickshire, dealer—W. Smith, Devizes, Wiltshire, carver and gilder—IL R. Wilkinson, of the ship York, master-mariner—W. Downing, late of Ripon, Yorkshire, money-scrivener—J. Cooper, Strood, Kent, wool-stapler—G. Barehead, New Milton, Yorkshire, coal-merchant—T. andT.R. Andrews' Tavistock-place, St. Pancras, coal-merchants—G. Warne, Clifton, Glosmestershire, hotel-keeper—J. Cockerell, Stones-end, Blaekman-street, Newington, Surrey, pawnbruker—.L. Evennett, Potter-street, Harlow, Essex, jobber—J. Marshall, late of Vere-street, Oxford-street, linen-draper—W. C. Brumwell, Natland, Westmoreland, currier.