Nash and Scat, Tunbridge Wells, booksellers-Strong and Co. Oxford Street, linen. drapers-J. and J. A. Webster, Ecelesfield, Yorkshire, payermanufacturers-Lakin-eau
and Co. Nottingham. lace-manufacturers-W. and W. Clayworth, Nettlellam, I in colnshire, farmers-B. and 11. Bury. Church, Lancashire, manufacturiag-clicatistsRobinson and Lodge. Mahler -field, fancy cloth-manufact urersBosley and Co. :Man chester, silkananufacturers ; as far as regards Smith-Pattl and Hutton, Broad Street. Golden Square, malloganv-dealers-liatigwell and Clarke. Drury Lane. leather sellers -Heath and Parker, Villiers Street, strand, draughtsmen-Jones and Whittle. Wigsnore Street, Cavendish Square, auctioneers-Ross ley and staiultank, Manchester, solicitors -Kilpin and Pickering. Bedford, upholsterers-Smith and Ilaywar.l. Birmingham, haberdashers-Cutler and Cu. Mincing Lane, wineanerchants.
ADAMS, JOHN, Vauxhall. cornalealer, to surrender May 12. June 16: solicitors, Messrs. Pritchard and Goddard, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars ; official assignee, Mr. Goldsmith Basingliall Street. ARCHBALD, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Ratcliffe Cross, sugar-refiner, May 13, June 16 solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford how; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Copthall Buildings. Oilmen, WILLIAM, Aston, near Birmingham, civil-engineer, May 20, June 16: solicitors, Messrs. AcIlin,gton and Co. Betlfitrd Row ; anti Mr. Willis. Birmingham. Dx CARLE. ELI. Norwich, grocer. May 11, June 16: solicitors. Messrs. Clarke and Medcalfe, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Beckwith and Dye, Norwich. DOWNS, Josgpn, West Retford, Nottinghamshire. grocer, May 29, June 16: solicitors, Mr. Bell. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Cartwright. Bawtry. FORD, JOHN, Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, ironfounder, May 15, June 16: solicitors, Messrs. Pearce and Co. St. Swithin's Lane; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
MORTIMORE. JOsEPIT POLYBANK, Devonport, upholsterer, May 19. June 16: solicitors, Messrs. Brooking and Sure, Lombard Street ; and Messrs. Sole, or Mr. Elworthy, Devonport. SEAMEN, THOMAS, Manchester. common-brewer. May 20, June 16: solicitors, Messrs. Swain and Co. London; and Mr. Harding. Manchester. STROUD, WsLLIA 51 DICKER, Woolhammon, Berkshire, linendraper, May 12, June 16: solicitor, Mr. Warne junior, Leadenhall Street ; official itssignee, Mr. Johnson, Basing. hall Street.
THORNTON, EDWARD, Oxford Street. ironmonger, May 12, Jane 16: solicitor, Mr. Dawson, Anaptou Street, Gray's Inn Lane Road; official assignee, Mr. Abbott, King's Arms Yard.
• Tono, ROBERT, Cheltenham, builder, May 19, June 16: solicitors. Mr. Wilson, Temple ; and Messrs. II) att and Harvey, Nescastie-under-Lyne. TROUTBECK, JAMES SUDELL. Darcy Lever, Lauca.shire, manufacturing-chemist. June 3,16; solicitors, alessrs.Blackstock and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Deane and Irlam, Liverpool. Truism GORGE WILLIAM, and DAVEY, IIFNRY, Bermondsey, paper-manufacturers, May 12, June 16: solicitors, Messrs. CM and Co. Ely Place, Holborn; official assignee, Mr. Clark, St. Ss ithin's Lane.
VAUGHAN, RICHARD, Freeman's Court, Cheapside, coffeehouse-keeper, May 15, June 16 : solicitor, Mr. Gale, Basitighall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basin:elan Street., THOMAS, Coleshill Street, Eaton Square, baker, May 12, June 16: solicitor, Mr. Kearns, Staple Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basihgliall Street. DIVIDENDS.
May 30, Fitch, Cambridge Heath, victualler-May 28, Harvey, Dartford, timbermerchant-May 28. J. and T. Tombs, Emerson Street, Southwark, builders-May 26, Linton. Leatienhall Market, butcher-May 27. lieeby, London Wall, dealer-May 26, .Emmitt, Bourne, Lincolnshire, grocers-May 28, Welman, Bridport, linendraper-May 28, Beasley, Maidenhead, upholsterer-May 26, Taylor. Austintriars. merchant-May 27, Clay, Huddersfield. timber-merchant-May 26, Shaw, Great Driffield, Yorkshire, corn-factor-May 29, Atkinson, York, woollen-draper-May 27, Carr, heal jam, money scrivener May 28, Pyke. corn-merchant-June 1, Robinson, Manchester, wine dealer-May 28, White. Marlborough, innkeeper-July 18, Bennett, Walcot, spirit-merchant -)May 29, Brice, Bristol, merchant -31dy 21, Penny, Bristol, brewerMay 28, Latham, Liverpool, innkeeper.
Ts be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May 26.
Wiseman, Ulster Place, Regent's Park, druggist-Jay, Welbeck Street. upholstererridding, George Yard, Lombard Street, merchant-Taylor, Great Yarmouth, surgeon Nippin, Northampton, upholsterer-Dawe, East Stonehenge, Devonshire. painterBrown and Harris, Gloucester, merchants-Berry, Vine Place, Tabernacle Square, linendraper-Newington. High Street, Southwark, chinaman -11 ay, Ramsgate, lodging. house-keeper-Carter, Coleman Street, woollen-warehousemen.