The Irish Anti-Tory Association was dissolved on Thursday week, on
the motion of Mr. O'Connell ; the object for which it was established—namely, the ejection of the Tory Ministers—having been effected. A new society, called the Franchise Association was then formed ; and Mr. O'Connell declared himself an advocate of Poorlaws for Ireland, as a means of compelling the landlords to support the tenantry whom they turned adrift for using their political franchise with independence. The Dublin Liberals intend to escort the new Lord Lieutenant, Lord Mulgrave, in a triumphal procession to the Castle. Mr. O'Connell has been the chief promoter of this demonstration.
There was a conflict in Dublin, on Monday evening, between the , policemen and a considerable body of the populace, first in George's Quay, and afterwards in Coburg Gardens. The policemen appear to have had the worst of the encounter. In Grafton Street several windows were smashed, and among them those of the Dublin Packet office. The riot seems to have had no connexion with politics; but ne account that we have seen assigns any distinct cause for the disturbance.