9 MAY 1835, Page 7



On the 401 inst., Mrs. R 'ensue JAMES KENNF.TT, of a SOIL OH the .2d iost. at Portman Square, Lady Itt NO11,01, 4H a daughter. At Dieppe, in Nurtuaudy, the Lady of EDWARD MANIII.ToN FEINNEY, Esq, of a


On the 2a inst., in Russell Square, the Lady of Saturry, P1.177. Esq., of twin sons. On the 4th inst., in Pall Mall, the Hon. Mrs. FRANCIS BA DINO, or a sun. Ou the 26th ult., at Tabley House, Cheshire, the Right lion. Lady lax 'CARLEY, of SOB and heir. AOn the 25th ult., at the Paragon, Streatham, the Lady of Lieutenant-Culonel LEsLte of son. On the 30th tilt., the Marchioucss of HasTtives, Ilmoness GREY DE RUTITYN. of a daughter. On t he it inst., at Cheltenham, the Lady of the late GEORGE Mactivar, Esq., of a son and heir. Ou the 13th ult., at the Rectory, Beckley, the Lady of the Rev. Barmy HODGES junior, of a daughter.

On the 501 inst., at 13retlands, the Lady of GErmoz IlEter, Esq., of a son and hell.. In Portman Square, the Hon. Mrs. II. blowrAece, eta son. Al Gosforth New Houses, Newcastle, the wife of — MILLER, a workman at Gosforth Colliery. of tito boys and a girl.


On the 29th inst., at Cheltenham, the Rev. EDWARD WARD WAKEMAN, youngest son of the late Sir Ileury Wakeman, Bart., of Pereeswell, to Louisa, youngest daughter of Allan Thompson, Esq., of the former place. On the 2,1 inst., at St. Margaret's, Westminster, C. A. MONCK, Esq., eldest sou of Sir C. Munck, Bart., of Belsay, :Northumberland, to LAURA, second daughter of Sir M. W. RIDLEY, Ban.. 51 .P. On the ZI inst., at Streatham, Surry, HENRY ions TeRsti.R. of Percy Street, eldest son of Henry Bolden Turner, Esq., of St. John's Wood, to Haan= COATS, daughter of John Banks, of Bantam, Esq.

At Strawberry Hill Cottage, Twickenham, Jules Beet, Esq., Clerk of the Journals of the House of Commons, in his 59th year. On the 1st inst., THOMAS SIMPSON, E4.41., of Ilerue lull, Sorry, and New Brido Street, Illackfriars, in his 88th year. On the Y;th ult., at his residence, Ilfracombe, Rear.AdmIral JAMES BOWEN, in hie 85th year.

Near Scarborough, Ass, widow of the late Rear-Admiral Willis, of Petworth, Sussex.

In her 94th year, Mrs. WIOMORE, relict of Mr. Elias Wigmore, of Mouse' Farm, Dediugtou, Gloucestershire. She retired to bed the pr.:Aiwa night in her usual health, and was fitund a corpse in the morning. In her 93d year. SARAH BLACKBURN, of Mirfield, widow. The deceased WAS mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother to 140 children: she was able to walk out or doors a seek before her death, and retained her faculties until the last.Leeds Mercury. At Hayfield, AARON ASHTON, IR MS 104th year. Ile was born in a cottage on the estate of Aspenshaw, the residence of 0. W. Newton, Esq, near hay field, Derby. He recollected going to Manchester with his father in 1745 to see the Rebel army. At the age of 20 he enlisted, and was a soldier for '28 years, and at the battle of Bunker's Hill he received a wound from the same shot which wounded Major shuttleworth, of [lumbersage. Within a few months of his death, this old patriarch continued to walk about, and enjoyed good health and all his faculties nearly to the last ; amid though iii humble circumstauces was perfectly cuntented.