9 MAY 1857, Page 19

On the 30th April, at Corsham Court, the Lady Methuen, of a daughter.

On the 30th, in Carlton Gardens, the Wife of James Whatnian, )sq., M.P., of a

daughter. On the 30th, at Bradfield, near Cullompton, the Hon. Mrs. Walrond, of a slaugh ter.

On the 1st May, at Norton Vicarage, the Hon. Mrs. Clements, of a daughter. On the 1st, at East Sheen, the Hon. Mrs. kdolphus Liddell, of a son. On the 1st, at Swarcliffe Hall, Yorkshire, the Wife of John Greenwood, Esq., M.P., of a son. • On the 24, at Braconslale, the Lady Henrietta Harvey, of a daughter. On the 4th, in Portman Square, the Lady Augusta Fiennes, of a daughter.